Scientific curiosity, NASA missions to be canceled - My Actifit Report Card: October 25 2024


Scientific curiosity, NASA missions to be canceled.


There are missions like the Mars project or retours that consist of collecting samples that Robert Perseverance has been leaving on Mars since 2021, this project, this mission has suffered significant delays and a brutal cost overrun, An independent report from 2022 estimated that the mission could cost up to 11,000 million dollars, because the Robert Perseverance is doing well and is leaving the samples where they have to leave them, but another ship would have to be sent, another Rover that would be dedicated to collecting those samples to later put them in a rocket ship that would send them to another ship that would collect them and bring them to earth.

All quite complicated and complex and according to this report it would cost 11 billion dollars and would not be completed until the year 2040 and with this data some were asking why spend so much money on that mission when NASA is supposedly selling us that it is going to send a manned mission more or less on that date or at the end of the 1930s or the beginning of the 1940s, so why can astronauts go and collect those samples by hand?

And in any case, why not wait a few years, but the Martian samples are not going to go anywhere, the issue is that NASA finally recognized that things had gone crazy and has made a preventive cancellation of this mission, it is not the only mission that the SLS has gone crazy in terms of budgets, the rocket that supposedly, I think in the end it will not be, because it is impossible, the rocket that has been developed with Boeing and other companies to command the ships The moon has also gone crazy.

The budget is I think it was already around 2000 million, what each launch would cost is a beast, keep in mind that there are calculations but we do not know exactly, they say that launching the StarShip, which is a rocket practically as powerful as the SLS, would cost about 200 million about 10 times less, take this data with a grain of salt because it is a ship that is under development, maybe it costs a little more or maybe a little less in the end but the fact is that NASA's budgets are really making it impossible for NASA to reach Mars as it is currently proposing and it may be impossible for the moon to even return, at least before China.

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