Sunny autumn ride : My Actifit Report Card: October 17 2024

On this gorgeous warm sunny afternoon, how could I not go for a ride on my mountain bike? The temperature right now is unseasonably warm, but it will not last, so it was great to ride in shorts and short sleeve cycling jersey.

The sun was getting low when I left for the ride, which did not leave me much time. Also, I have not cycled for about six weeks, so a shortish ride was best! 😅

Conditions were good, which is surprising after the amount of rain that we have had. I think the ground has absorbed a lot of the water. There were some sticky spots, but this did not impede my progress at all.

A fisherman was busy at the Buchan Park Lake. I think he was setting up for a night session. It should be a nice mild night although there is more rain forecast for tomorrow. As if we haven't had enough! 🙄

I stopped at my favourite totem. Taking a picture from a different angle this time. There were more people about today, some with dogs, but quite a few just enjoying the walk in this beautiful weather. I can fully understand why!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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