The Truth About Wasabi: Real vs. Fake

Did you know that most of the wasabi you encounter isn't the real deal? 😲 True wasabi is super rare and pricey—think $160 per kilogram! It’s so tough to grow that about 95% of what you get at sushi spots is a mix of horseradish, mustard, and either green food coloring or spinach juice. Yup, seriously. 🤯


Real wasabi, which is packed with health perks, is something you’ll mostly find in Japan or at really specialized restaurants. If you’re buying it in a store, always check the ingredients. Authentic places will serve wasabi as a root with a little grater because the best flavor comes out in the first minute after grating. 🥢✨

Ever notice how wasabi, or even its fakes like horseradish and mustard, makes your nose run and eyes water? 😢 That’s because it hits receptors in your sinuses, lungs, and throat that are linked to pain and inflammation. Wasabi has special phytonutrients that get activated when you grate it. One key phytonutrient is isocyanate, which has major anti-cancer properties and is 3,000 times more concentrated in wasabi than in cabbage. 🥦💪

Personally, I can handle wasabi or even the horseradish and mustard knock-offs very well 🔥. Also, the health benefits of real wasabi are incredible. It's a potent anti-cancer agent, antimicrobial (great for pairing with raw fish to kill any microbes), and offers strong cardiovascular and respiratory support. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory effects and is a powerful antioxidant. It even helps thin mucus, which explains the sinus drainage. 🧬🌿

We in Poland have something similar but different.

Grated Horseradish in Poland: A Spice Full of Flavor and Health Benefits

Did you know that grated horseradish is one of the most popular spices in Poland? 🇵🇱 This spicy, aromatic plant has a long tradition in Polish cuisine and is an essential ingredient in many dishes. Grated horseradish can be found in every Polish home, especially during Easter and Christmas. 🌿✨

Horseradish has an incredibly intense taste and smell that can "clear out" your sinuses. 😅 This is thanks to the essential oils it contains, which affect receptors in our sinuses, throat, and lungs, causing a burning sensation. But it's not just the taste and aroma that make horseradish special!

Horseradish is a true health bomb. 💣 It is packed with vitamin C, which supports our immune system. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect our cells from damage, and it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This makes it an ideal addition to dishes, especially those with raw meat like tartare, as it helps eliminate potential microbes. 🥩✨

In Poland, horseradish is an essential ingredient in many traditional dishes, such as żurek (sour rye soup), ćwikła (horseradish with beets), and meat sauces. It is also a popular addition to sandwiches and cold cuts. 🌭🍖

If you haven't tried Polish grated horseradish yet, it's time to change that! Its intense flavor and health benefits will surely impress you. 🌿🔥
And it costs fraction of WASABI.
Is it better or not? Well, depends... How price of food tinkle your tastebuds?

Fun Fact:

One of the few real wasabi factories is located in Poland. Since it is extremely difficult to grow wasabi, we somehow managed to do it. The factory is located near Radom in central Poland.

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