My mandalas painted in acrylic: The Real Flower of Life

Today I would like to show you two of my brand new mandalas, both depicting the true Flower of Life symbol. In it is growth and harmonious development. In the middle is the Source, which flows out into infinity in the form of a torus. Thus the figure is, of course, a top view of the Torus. Nicola Tesla was aware of this, and his famous invention, the Tesla coil, is also in the shape of a torus, and can theoretically supply infinite energy from the ether.

Since symbols have enormous power, a painting, or even a small pendant, can have a beneficial effect.

Forget what you used to think was the Flower of Life, because it's spreading in esotericism!
You should be aware that the well-known FoL figure with six symmetries is based on a misleading idea.

This is my old painting. I didn't know before that this was a false symbol! Nice, but I wouldn't put it on the wall anymore. I can't even remember who I gave it to.


If you look at it, you will see that it is made up of many circles drawn with small circles, and a flat surface can be covered endlessly with this pattern. It makes me think of cloning. If you surround it with a larger circle, it symbolizes finitude. An endless wheel of birth-life-death-rebirth. If that is what you wish for yourself, or if you are simply unable to break away from the entrenched collective consciousness (that death will surely happen), then have it your way. Thoth showed this image to Drunvalo Melchizedek, who wrote The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life based on it, with pure good intentions, but thus misleading readers. I hope Drunvalo has since changed his mind about Thoth. Thoth is known to have done good for humanity, but also to have misled us. Selfishly, he wanted eternal life for himself and tried to keep it from humanity, until now.

And now for my latest mandalas!

The photos does not show the iridescent, beautiful colors of the metallic paints!
The blurred, colored patches in the background suggest the quantum world of the ether. Now project it in your imagination as a 3D torus! The gif image above will help you! Imagine that this torus is extremely small, a million times smaller than a hydrogen atom. Yet if you enter this torus, infinite worlds open up within it, with infinite potential.
You can play with space and time. If you shrink time, the torus becomes huge, if you stretch time, the torus becomes tiny.

The first mandala, painted on 30x30 cm canvas board.






The second mandala, same size and material.




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