spotpear smart weather clock sucks makes you go through insane arduino setup that bricks your device, buy the other smartgeek btc weather clock

these guys try to help me but the device gor me so frustrated i posted roo many comments and had grok much nervous wneegy and got banned from r/arduino after i followed instructions and bricked my device even thi they ttied ro helo

but i begged em ri juat send me the finished file snd nor make me have ro learna useless skill ...ok fine its nor useless but i jjst wanted a riny lcd screen now its garbage because no one could just send me the right firmware or driver or whatwver instructions for the screens pixels

like i would never be sAble to make ⁴⁴⁴ my own devices work if i had ro do this level of debuffing and like confugure an lcd screen

oh well tha j you to this guy from reddit and aorry for being rude when u were just trying to help...cant take the stresses of computers these days my apologizes

but do NOT buy that type of smart clock keychain

buy the bitcoin weather snartclock like this but make sure its the model with TOUCH button and bitcoin widget! or youl pnly hqve a fancy gif displayer

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