The most beautiful gift is life, don't waste it

There is a very beautiful gift called life which God allows us to live in a certain time, for this reason time is also a gift coupled with life where we must pay close attention to what we are doing with that time or opportunities that God allows us.


Human life, a precious gift from God, is sacred and inviolable, therefore it is a responsibility to manage well what God has given us as a gift and not to waste or waste the time that he allows us to live it because life is one and the opportunities also. So that time must be managed in a balanced way and attend to and care for it, providing well-being at each stage that we have to live and sharing our time with our loved ones in a healthy way.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift descends from above, where is the Father who created the heavenly lights, and who does not change like the stars or move like the shadows.


In this order of ideas, life, as well as time, is the most valuable thing that God has given us, therefore it should not be wasted on things that do not build, we must take advantage of time because opportunities do not occur several times, just as life is a alone and that time must be managed wisely so as not to walk like fools

Ephesians 5:15-20
15 Take heed therefore how you walk, not as fools but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

How do we make good use of time?

The word tells us that we do it when we walk with diligence when we generally manage and plan our time valuing, caring for, loving, respecting our fellow men and our loved ones that God has provided us as a family to share life

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