The word of God described in the bible motivates us to cultivate faith in our lives so that we can live with hope in everything we undertake

In the book of Hebrews we find the following words:

Hebrews 11:1
"It is therefore faith, the certainty of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen"

Faith is illogical because we believe what we do not see and we do not believe or act because of the circumstances and we always have our hands outstretched to receive what we believe by faith


In this order of ideas, it is understood that in order to please God it is necessary to have faith, certainty and conviction, since certainty is the hope we have about the truth or about something that is thought or believed. When we are certain of something or someone, that inspires us with confidence and hope and we always live motivated because we expect that which we long for so much, anchored to the faith that we have in God and even if we do not see it, we believe it because we are convinced of its truth.

In this shocked world we need to live with hope we need God to be able to fill us with certainty and look forward to each of our needs and for this we must have faith and believe that our problems or our needs are not greater than God

Saying I have faith is easy, but the problem is exercising that act of faith in order to reach the grace of God when we are living in difficult times and everything is against us, that is precisely when we have to exercise that grain of faith in our hearts in a way that that we can reach the benevolence of our heavenly father and believe that we will obtain our victory through him

Certainly faith moves mountains because faith is a small word but it acts strongly in our minds and in our hearts when we trust in God and obviously we will see the hand of God move in our favor

Remember there are no impossible for God, he makes everything new, changes times and changes stories he does extraordinary and wonderful things

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