¡The call of God and the end times!

The veracity of the word of God is a real and true fact in the times we are living. God is calling every creature to turn to him because he commanded his disciples to preach the gospel to every creature and all of God's creation is called "creature." In this way he calls you to give you salvation and take the burdens of your soul because he knows that you constantly fight, cry, suffer and find no comfort.


Observe the way you live and do not get involved in everything you do all day, look at the weather conditions, the circumstances we are facing, because not realizing the time we are in is very dangerous and do you know why? because we are at the end of time and God's desire is that you get closer to him and if you have already begun to serve him then you must strengthen your relationship with the Lord because there are people who simply visit the church but do not have communion royal with the lord.

In fact at this time there are many people who are somehow living a double life because they go to church but do not live what they receive in church simply because they continue to live their life in their own way and there is no change in their attitudes.

There are people who currently say I serve God but in my own way, but I want to advise you that it is not your way, it is God's way because God established his way and that is the way we should serve him and in that direction you must affirm yourself in the lord; you must order your life and ask the holy spirit to help you live a different life than the one you lived before, you must ask God to help you live the truthfulness of the word of God so that he can be a reality in all your actions

God is calling through his grace to give you rest and salvation because you are a sinner as established by the word of God

1 Timothy 1:15
15 Faithful saying and worthy of being received by all: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first.

We are all sinners and certainly the word of God is faithful and worthy of being received by all because precisely Jesus Christ died and rose on the third day to give us life and save us all without exception since we were all destitute of the glory of God

We need God because we are spiritually enslaved and we need to be freed by a savior and that savior is called Jesus Christ


We are living in prophetic and dangerous times and the whole world must know the call that God is making to humanity today through all the necessary means so that man can hear the word of God and be saved from the condemnation that is established on this earth. and that it is evident that it is already approaching its end times

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