MY AFFIRMATION •//• I Am Unstoppable.

I can’t count how many times I have heard about the benefits of affirmations for nourishing your mindset. A lot of podcasts, YouTube, and articles emphasize the power of positive affirmations in shaping one’s mental health. Although I’ve tried incorporating affirmations into my daily habits, especially morning affirmations, yet I never stick to them.

One thing I do know is that I readily turn to music. Music is my form of affirmation. I don’t think I could go a day without playing music because it is more than just a source of fun for me. This is why it is important to pay attention to the kind of music we listen to.


I used to not pay attention to the content of the music I was consuming. I just mostly focused on the rhythm and beats, but I began to realize that many of the songs I enjoyed were actually taking a toll on me. The lyrics weren’t always the best choice for my mental health.

Many people talk about how music influences the mind. If you listen to sad or depressing music, you are likely to feel sad or down. Conversely, if you listen to uplifting and positive music, you’re more likely to feel good and motivated. The same applies to lyrics that are explicit or negative—they can have a subtle yet significant impact on one’s mindset.

As I’ve said, music is my form of affirmation. I love listening to songs with uplifting and meaningful lyrics, especially in the morning. Starting my day with such music sets a positive tone and gives me the boost I need to face the day’s challenges. It brings a smile to my lips and fills me with a sense of courage.

One of my favourite artists is Sia. I’ve been a fan of Sia for the past few years and I continue to be a fan. “Unstoppable” is one of my favourite songs, barely looking at the title, you can tell how affirmative it is. “Unstoppable” was released in 2016 under the album ‘This is Acting’, both the lyrics and the rhythm are uplifting. This song reminds me of my potential and reinforces my belief that I can be unstoppable.

source from YouTube

The world isn’t always a place full of love and sweetness. In fact, it can often be filled with people who constantly condemn and criticise you, and it’s rare to find someone who genuinely wants to help you grow and reach your goals.

Many people are quick to belittle others, filling us with doubts and fears. They instill fear of pushing forward and laugh at our attempts because they didn’t achieve their own goals.

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am


I particularly love this part of the song. It speaks to the strength and resilience we need to muster in the face of criticism and negativity. Instead of letting their words bring me down, I put on my armor and show my strength, I’ll show that I am not easily defeated by mere words.

I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game


“Unstoppable” is a song that pushes its listeners to strive towards their goals, to ignore every negativity, and to build confidence in who they are. It encourages us to show those who doubted us that they were wrong.

I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today


Listening to this song fills me with motivation and confidence. It reminds me that I am unstoppable, and I have the power to prove my belittlers wrong. My strength will always surpass any weakness they try to highlight.

Many of us might have heard this song but it is definitely a great one to start your day with.

My affirmations, inspired by this song are:

I am unstoppable.
I am invincible.
I am powerful.
I am confident.

Music for me is not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration.

Thumbnail designed using Canva. Video is from YouTube. Lyrics from google.


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