I am a shooting star ✨⭐ and I believe it

You could call me a Barbie girl because I know almost all of the songs. I have watched almost all the collections. And I learned all of the soundtracks used in any of them.

Today, I'll love to share with you, the song "Shooting Star". It's one of Barbie's collections of songs that speaks to me because it keeps me motivated.
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I may not really remember the movie script and what led to what but I'll always remember the songs and how I felt the first time I heard them and how I keep feeling every time I listen again down the line.

All I know is that Barbie was able to accomplish more because she believed in herself and her ability to do so if she puts her heart into it. You might even say all of Barbie's tagline is often around believing in one's ability to accomplish whatever one put their heart into. And you wouldn't be wrong because this is why I am so drawn to all her songs. They are uplifting, motivating, encouraging, and all the positive words you can think about.

If I listen and sing along to this song, I feel energized to tackle my goals for the day or the moment. This post was birthed out of such scenarios. I am currently listening to it, and singing along while I pause in between to type.

The lyrics speak to me. Every time, I am down, I remember this line

When I'm down and feeling scared, I know I should take a chance. The world is sitting right here in the palms of my hands. I am a shooting star.

I swallow every line written above and my motivation returns.
Acoustic Version

There are two versions that I play interchangeably, depending on whether I want a slow piece or a faster one. Or if I want to claim it or want someone to point it out for me.

Complete version

The first one is an acoustic guitar version and chord that you could say is a self-affirmation while the latter is someone one is pointing out to you ( I don't know how to describe this one but Barbie kept the playback in a locket so she could listen to it every time she was sacred. So, I take time to listen to both interchangeably so it would feel as though I listened to someone speak to me, I believed it, and decided to affirm.

The latter has more lyrics, and the solo has more weight because of that. The formerly is short, taking the chorus, and re-echoing it into my subconscious so I'll never forget that I am a shooting star whenever I am .

I welcome you to listen to both and maybe, you'll find a favorite. 😉

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