These days a lot of things are crowding our mental space and making us feel as though the world is moving quickly without us in it. We have seen our friends on screen, Instagram feed, Facebook feed, Snapchat, etc., and we feel as though they have arrived and we are left behind. The truth is most of the definitions and stories that we tell ourselves are not true, what is really happening to us is that we are over thinking everything.
Image by Prawny from Pixabay
This is what Omah Lay did with this song, he expresses how sometimes he is happy and other times he is sad, over nothing in particular. He has no idea what’s wrong with him, he is sometimes feeling good, and the next minute, he is down. He doesn’t know how to mingle and stay with people for a while, he feels as though no one can understand how he feels, and he feels fu*cked up, and he turns to drugs or drinks to keep him calm, and high.

This may not be his story, and he is merely using his music to pass the message across, but this is the story of a lot of young people today who are out there hustling, and trying to make ends meet with their talents, career, and everything they want to bring to the table. Their businesses and career might be going well but they feel as though its not good enough. They might win contracts for instance, and they are happy, the next minute they start thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong, and they become sad over the same news.

It is not hard to relate to this song because you have been there too. You have a good thing happen to you one minute and you are overjoyed, the next minute you are sad because you feel one way or the other. You are simply over thinking, looking over your shoulder, and sometimes you make sure you are not sober so that you can handle anything that might try to twat your efforts. And you stay under the influence of drugs or drinks to help you accomplish this. Every shot of the drink or drugs means something to you as Omah Lay mentioned in his song that he takes different shots for different purposes.

You know that Omah Lay also mentioned that he is good at what he does, and no one can do it better than he does, yet he doesn’t find happiness when he is sober, so he needs those substances to feel on top of the world.

These things are real. Success, attention, popularity, etc, seem to have all the good packages come with it as well as the bad package wrapped in beautiful ribbons. You have to be careful when you get to the top, how you behave, and the friends you keep. There will be a point when your geniuses’ feels like a burden and you want to turn to various substances to keep calm. You must be careful before it turns into an addiction and you can’t stay sober anymore because you became to feel dependant on those substances to be able to perform at your best.

There are people who have claimed that having a lot of money did not bring them happiness but terror because they were able to afford the things that brought them joy as well as the ones that brought them pains, and sometimes people who have plenty money that they cannot finish alone are mostly compared to those who don’t even have. These two categories of people face the same thing, they are bored, and before you know it, they will start thinking of crazy things they can do. The former might use his money to harm him or those around him to cure his boredom, and the latter might use his lack to think of things he can do and sometimes those things hurt him and his loved ones in the near future.

All of this is done because they wanted to cure boredom.

They are more productive ways you can use money, so instead of trying to cure boredom through wrong vices, choose better ones.

You should listen to this song, but I hope it wouldn’t make you sad, instead it will uplift your spirit and help you realize that you are not alone.

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