WOO - When WWE Superstars Break Character

Greetings to everyone and welcome back to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.

In the realm of WWE, Superstars act like characters from a film as they follow scripts and play their roles.

However, sometimes things don’t go as planned and these larger than life characters lose their cool. Here are a couple of those times that made me shocked and scared.

Let us first talk about WrestleMania 19 for example. It was the main event, with Brock Lesnar going up against Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship.

Now, Lesnar is a big guy but he went out there and attempted to pull off a move called the Shooting Star Press which is more suited for lighter wrestlers.

He however came down straight on his neck! I saw it; I could tell he was injured. Nevertheless, he completed the match and won the title.

However, backstage he cursed himself out angrily because of it. He had to get medical help in order to calm down from that episode.This showed me that even though these guys are tough, they are still humans too.

Survivor Series: WarGames 2023. Oh, wow! That was the night I was so excited about; we were going to see my best Superstars in action.

However, there came CM Punk’s return! In reality, I loved it but there was a superstar among us who didn’t. Seth Rollins did not seem happy when he saw CM Punk. His face showed it all.

He even went to confront Punk but WWE officials stopped him. This made me think about what could be happening behind the scenes.

These moments confirmed that WWE may be entertaining but these superstars are risking their lives every day they step into this square circle.

Moreover, every time something wrong happens as planned it becomes scarier for the audience as well because of that fact too. It demonstrates further that these superstars are human beings just like us with feelings and emotions that have been mentioned above.

You know it is not only the grand moments that tell who WWE Superstars are, sometimes I appreciate them more because of little things like this.

For example, Roman Reigns out of character to console a crying fan in front row. Similarly, John Cena remained in character but went out of his way to make a sick kid’s day.

It is occurrences such as these that remind me that these superstars are not just sportsmen they are heroes.

Well then, WWE is predetermined and the performers take on roles. However when the people behind those characters show their true selves, I fall in love with WWE even more.

This reminds me that even though it’s all about fiction there is still real concern and heart in it. So no matter what I will always be a WWE fan.

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