
So as it might have occured to some, I have been playing roleplaying games again these last three years - but a great change has happened. I am no longer the GM - the person who create the world play all the supporting roles and make all the drawings, maps and stories.

Now I am a player meaning that i can just show up... (we always play at our flat so I actually just need to stay where I am). When you are a player in a roleplaying game you are only creating one imaginary figure, called a character. This figure can be defined in ways that are depending on which system you use, but in the end it is very much like inventing a protaginist for a story - film, novel or similar.

The game is taking place in a Steampunk fin de siécle world looking a bit like a European country around 1880-90. The character I have invented is Baron Cenobiss Starroflang-Coruman, chief librarian of a provincial library and archive, linguist, historian and former navy veteran. Here is the first drawing I made of him.


And here is the figurine my brother (who is now the GM) has made for me. This figurine is used when there are some kind of fighting in the game and therefore he has a drawn sabre. It all look very martial and swashbucklery, but it took us 13 evenings of play before anything violent happened.


I have made a lot of drawings and the like that I might post here when I get around to collecting it.

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