Phonography || Phone Photography Contest ~32 Photographs at night while walking

Happy and blessed night to everyone, grateful for sharing with the weekly contest number ~32 #PhonePhotography by friend @untilwelearn where we show photographs taken with our phones.

Feliz y bendecida noche para todos agradecido por compartir con el concurso semanal número ~32 #PhonePhotography del amigo @untilwelearn dónde mostramos fotografías tomadas con nuestros teléfonos.

Tonight I went out for a few minutes to make some last minute purchases for tomorrow since we must leave very early to carry out some personal errands and while I was walking I took some from the road so that you can observe a little what our streets and the consequent lighting are like. electric there are sections which are very clear and others which are not; Fortunately, since it was not very far, I was able to do it quickly and return home since the entire road was lonely.

En la noche de hoy salí unos minutos para realizar unas compras de última hora para mañana puesto que debemos de salir bien temprano a realizar unas diligencias personales y mientras caminaba tomé algunas del camino para qué puedan observar un poco cómo son nuestras calles y el consecuente alumbrado eléctrico hay tramos los cuáles están bien claros y otros qué no; afortunadamente al no ser muy lejos pude realizarlo digamos rápidamente y regresar a casa ya qué todo el camino se encontraba solitario.

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