Alone Time on New Year's Eve


It is colder than I expected when I got back from South Carolina from my last trip. The apartment was almost empty because my Colombian housemates were still on holiday vacation. Even though it would be my first time, it was okay to celebrate by myself because I could move comfortably (not that I do not feel comfortable with them, I can do my best effort in decorating or cleaning the house).


One of my aunts gave me a call to say hello and told me to go to a restaurant and have my lunch and she’ll pay for it (she knew I will be celebrating alone). How kind of her to even crack jokes about getting the priciest wine and dance the night away.


This was my meal to enjoy on New Year’s Eve while binge watching my favorite series Suits.I got some berries and a single champagne, steamed my bacon and sausages, and placed cheese, crackers, and candies to the side. I already ate a great meal beforehand, which is why my ‘charcuterie’ (better be pronouncing that right) was not that fancy. Cheers!

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Voilà my own version of family picture then versus now and yes I only have sisters as siblings. We underwent significant changes especially with regard to myself and to my sister who is employed as a teacher in Singapore. My other sisters were scattered around the house while video calling on the first day of January. My other sister left the country two months ahead of me, so I guess we share the same thoughts. Therefore, I wrote something for us.

To the woman who surrendered and burnt their candles away,
To the woman who feeds thousands of answers to her curiosity in small things; how does it happen? Why did he/she do that? How is our little home during May?,
To the woman who offers everything she have; a helping hand, sharing part of the wealth, quality time she halve,
To the woman who kept herself inside the box for a while in order to self-reflect and not to self-neglect,
To the woman who successfully reached the top of another mountain with tears in her eyes,
And to the woman who taps herself because she survives,
Carefree, take a leap of faith, and let things in God's grace be

Even though others could not see the enduring wounds you sustained during the difficult time, you persevered and maintained the tiniest ray of optimism. Rocks will be thrown at you by life, and you? Always be humble and stronger than anything they throw at you. Be the fighter that God created you to be. Salud to 2024, everyone!

All images are mine unless stated otherwise.
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