It’s My Birthday

It’s that time of the year again where I think about how my life has been for the past 365 days and give thanks for it. It’s my birthday and it’s also the third time I’m trying to put this piece together lol. I don’t know why I always find it hard to write things like this.


Anyways I’m thankful for life and I’m thankful for everyone who one way or the other has played a role in my life to get me to where I’m currently at this moment. The past year has been my most terrible year but I’ve also met some amazing people too in it. It’s the year where I got dealt with the most because I lost someone very close to me but it’s also the year where I got to understand what the words “Life goes on” really means.

But I guess I just have to focus on the good the past year has done for me than the bad and trust me, a lot of good has happened to me.

I also want to say a very big thank you to everyone on the hive community who have one way or the other impacted in my life here. I so much would love to mention names but that would literally take the whole day as there are a lot of you :) I just want you guys to know that I really appreciate you all and I’m grateful for all you do.

The entire hive community is like a family to me and in a few months time, I will be clocking four years with this family.

Special thanks also to the bdcommunity for welcoming me and treating me like family. I so much appreciate all of the love I’ve gotten from this wonderful family and I promise to contribute in anyway I can to see that we keep in being one of the best communities on the hive blockchain.

Lastly, I pray this New Years brings nothing but good things my way. I pray it opens doors of blessings and opportunities. I pray it becomes my best year yet.


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