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Let me tell you more about my new daily habit; it's a drink and it packs a punch!

I've disappeared from here for what seems to be around three years. I just didn't get to have a spare minute or two to write anything, but in fact we all know it takes much longer than that, which was even more impossible to muster the time needed!

And what better way to say "HELLO" to you all than maybe putting up a little blog about something healthy, or at least it's supposed to be healthy. A couple of months ago I've decided to be a bit more bold & brave and that has led me to combining three ingredients into one.
But before I continue, I'd just like to mention that as many, I came across this looking for an energy as well as immune boost after having the worst December 23' to February 24' health wise. This is by all means not to be trying to tell you that you should be having what I'm having on a daily basis or whatsoever, but more about how and what helped me back up and onto my feet!
I consider myself to be much healthier now that I crossed into my 40's compared to years ago, and yet I was ill for three months unable to get out of this viscous cycle of chest infections, fatigue and just being totally unable to do much whatsoever.

Anyways, let us leave illness on the side and have a cg=hat about what has boosted every inch of my body to now feel beyond fantastic!

As you've noticed in somewhere in the text above, I've mentioned that I've combined three ingredients into one, and that I take them three daily. Also, in the title, I said that my new habit packs a punch (which I'm still feeling now as I'm writing this article or blog).
Have you guessed it? No? Actually it's a bit tough to guess without more clues, so let me tell you...



That's my magic trio of spicy, potent and punchy as well as natural remedy it has managed to make me feel back to my old self. So....let me talk more about i, and if you are happy to read, please do.

In the realm of natural remedies, few combinations pack as much punch as lemon, ginger, and cayenne pepper. These humble ingredients, when combined into a potent shot, offer a plethora of health benefits that can energize your body and invigorate your senses. And although I've lost my sense of taste in my mouth for about 15 minutes after having this punchy trio, I'm absolutely fine to go through this all if it continues to help me as it has so far.

I'm just going to say a few words about each of the three ingredients as it's only right each gets mentioned separately, and each is just as great on their own to be consumed as they are together.

Let us start with LEMON; Lemon, with its vibrant yellow hue and tangy flavor, is much more than just a citrus fruit. Packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and citric acid, lemon is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. It aids digestion, promotes hydration, and supports radiant skin. Additionally, lemon helps alkalize the body, balancing pH levels and promoting detoxification.

To continue, next we have GINGER; For centuries, ginger has been cherished for its medicinal properties. This knobby root is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powerhouse. Its active compound, gingerol (I know, not very inventively named), lends it anti-nausea and digestive properties, making it a go-to remedy for soothing upset stomachs and easing digestion. Ginger also boasts immune-boosting benefits and can alleviate muscle pain and soreness.

Last but not least is CAYENNE PEPPER; Cayenne pepper, known for its fiery heat, is more than just a culinary spice. Its active ingredient, Capsaicin, gives it powerful pain-relieving properties by desensitizing pain receptors. Cayenne pepper also revs up metabolism, promoting fat burning and aiding weight loss. Additionally, it boosts circulation, supports detoxification, and may even help alleviate congestion due to its mucous-thinning properties.

Now that I've mentioned all three separately, maybe the best thing would be to finally tell you how I do it and when I take it.

Again, this is purely what I'm doing on a daily basis and how + what has helped me get better.

So many people call it a power shot, so....

The Power Shot Recipe: A Burst of Wellness

Combining lemon, ginger, and cayenne pepper into a potent shot creates a totally new experience for many as it did for me!


  • Half of a normal sized lemon
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon fine grated ginger (not blended)
  • 500mg to 1000mg of cayenne pepper
  • 200ml water


  • I don't blend anything, all is freshly squeezed or grated.
  • hat said, you can grate ginger into a glass container with a lid (avoid plastic as it soaks ginger's smell).
  • Grated ginger is good inside your fridge between 8-12 days.
  • Cayenne pepper can be bought in powder version almost anywhere in UK.
  • I have Cayenne pepper capsules containing organic Cayenne pepper, which contents I empty into glass at the end.
  • Add as much water as requitred. I use 200ml as that is more than sufficient for me.


  • STEP 1: Combine lemon juice, grated ginger, and cayenne pepper in a shot glass or small cup.
  • STEP 2: Add water and stir well to mix.
  • STEP 3: Shoot it back like a warrior, or sip it slowly to savor the fiery goodness.

You can enjoy it first thing in the morning to kickstart your metabolism and alkalize your body. You can also have it as a midday pick-me-up or post-meal digestive aid. Experiment with the dosage and frequency to find what works best for you.
Normally cayenne pepper and ginger are safe to take on what we say it's an empty stomach, but I'd not advise doing that if you have any conditions or suffer with your digestive tract.

I get my Cayenne Pepper (CP) in capsules for easier measurement. Each of these capsules contains 750mg of CP, and I use one of its content per day. And thus avoid taking the shell, with content being organic version of CP.

I can't not mention last part below, so, please read this too.

Precautions and Considerations
While the lemon, ginger, and cayenne pepper shot offers a multitude of health benefits, it's essential to use it mindfully and with caution, especially if you have certain medical conditions or sensitivities. Ginger, for example, may interact with blood thinners and certain medications. Cayenne pepper can cause irritation in sensitive individuals or exacerbate gastrointestinal issues. Start with small amounts and monitor your body's response. If you have any concerns or underlying health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before adding this potent shot to your regimen.

This looks oddly odd, but it's in fact grated ginger stored in glass container with its lid off, so you can see. As mentioned, I don't blend ginger, but instead grate it.

This article is based on my own findings and how it helped me, but remember, we are not the same. What helps one person, it might make another one unwell, so act accordingly after reading all this. Sadly I drank it before taking picture.

Nothing in this post has been taken from any other source than my personal photo collection on my social media accounts. Words are all mine, with certain facts in the article widely known.

Thanks for stopping by and take care.
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