Super cool Lemon + Mint + Ginger Mixed Juice

Hello everyone
After a long time #amazingdrinks community star a contest. So I never want to miss the contest. Today I am going to make a special juice. This is base on theme. I am going to make mixed juice which is more cool and more energetic.

When i drink it its memories me the last ramadan. The last ramadan was very hard. Temperature upto 43°C . So its much difficult for us to continue the fasting. Bt we are done. And end of the day when are drinking much this kinds of juice..

In our country pure finding water is such a problem. And every place people west water. So some people didn’t get much water. Industrial west make our pond and river polluted. So this water also anable to use.. .... The solution is only one be careful about this issue. If we dont west water and dont polluted our river then we can sold this problem*

Benefit :

This drink give you natural electrolytes and also help you extra wait loss. It’s a great source of vitamin C. everyone know that vitamin C is very use full for our body. And also antioxidant help to give us body energy. Some time its help to make our skin much glow.

Some ingredient

  1. Lemon One piece
  2. Sugar half table spoon
    3. Mint leaf 7-8 piece
  3. Honey one tea spoon
  4. Ginger 1 small piece
  5. Masala with black salt (Coriander+ cumin+cardamom powder)


Step 1:

At first I am taking glass and take Small piece of ginger in this glass. And using my knife handle to smash this.

Step 2:

Now take some mint leaf and also smash this with may knife handle

Step 3:

Now time to take Half table spoon sugar , one spoon honey , and some black salt and masala and mixed every thing properly.

Step 4:

Finally I am adding Lemon juice and some piece of lemon, and water and using a spoon to mixed everything properly. You can see some leafs are look very beautiful in this drink.

Step 5:

Adding a mint leaf and a cut piece of lemon in the top and some ice cube , also add a straw here. Now our drink is ready.

You can use blender. but I am thinking to make this drink with traditional way . so I am using my knife handle to smash. Well its very testy and refreshing. You can imagine the test of honey and ginger. Also coolness of mint. Thanks to #amazingdrinks for this extra ordinary contest.

Thanks for your time

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