Red - Digital Painting

Working for commission challenged me to finally learn how to use Adobe Illustrator. Here I shared a couple of digital illustration of the woman, including the primal sketch, which is created by actual living lady, (whose profile I will keep a secret).
My wish was to create a range from clean and mostly monochromatic look to comic style illustrations inspired by Tarantino.
Thing I like about painting in computer programs, is the opportunity to change Everything in just a couple of minutes, with unlimited opportunity to undo your strokes. In painting, which is the art skill I practice the most, I am constantly obligated to make decisions, in most cases with no option to undo my strokes. It results with me not being able to try out every option that interests me. My choosing is dependent of my imagination, or sketches which take much more time to create, than making changes within computer program.


All photographs are screenshots from my computer
All Illustrations are created in Adobe Illustrator CC 2015

See other artworks on @petraa

Have a lovely day !

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