Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Library 53 - Adeptus Mechanicus, Belisarius Cawl


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

Now known as the Unit Review Library!

What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel again and see what I get:

Adeptus Mechanicus, Belisarius Cawl

10th Edition Codex

Belisarius Cawl is an Archmagos of the Adeptus Mechanicus, he is a ranked as a Dominatus Dominus, one of the few of this rank on Mars. Second only to Oud Oudia Raskian, the Fabricator General of Mars who is one of the High Lords of Terra.

On the Battlefield, there is no-one higher in rank from the Mechanicus than Cawl as the Fabricator General is something like a building...

Cawl himself has also left much of his humanity behind. He counts as a Monster in game for purposes of movement. The little bits of organic parts he has left are nestled amongst masses of cybernetics and robotic components.

He is worth 150pts... let's see what you get for this value!


Movement 6"
Toughness 8 (Super tough! Like Castra Ferrum Dreadnought level Toughness)
Save 2+/4++(armor/invul/Feel No Pain)
Wounds 10
Ld 6+
OC 3


Solar atomiser
18" Range D3 Attacks, Hitting on 2+, S14, AP-4 and 3 Damage Each with the Blast Rule and Melta D3

This is a mean gun, with a medium range. S14 means easy wounds on most heavy vehicles. D3 shots against a single target or against a squad the Blast rule will give you +1 shot per 5 enemy models rounding down.
AP-4 means that even a 2+ save is reduced to 6+.

Melta D3 means you roll a D3 and add it to the 3 Damage per shot when in half range of 9". Ouch!


Bellisarius is actually a bit of a menace in combat. He has his main axe attacks and then Extra Attack profiles meaning ALL of them hit, you don't have to choose. So big or small targets or in combat with both, he can split the appropriate attacks to the relevant targets.

Cawl’s Omnissian axe
4 Attacks, Hitting on 2+, S8, AP-2 and 2 Damage These are pretty much Space Marine Power Fist attacks.

Mechadendrite hive
2D6 Attacks (randomly between 2 and 12 strikes), Hitting on 3+, S4, AP0 and 1 Damage each. Extra Attacks

Arc scourge
4 Attacks, Hitting on 2+, S5, AP-1 and 1 Damage .Extra Attacks, Anti-Vehicle 4+ and Devastating Wounds.

This means the Arc scourge will Critical Wound a Vehicle on a 4+ and the damage ignores armor and invul saves with Devastating Wounds. The attacks need 6s to wound non-vehicles for Devastating Wounds.

Scary set of attacks that could deal a fair amount of damage to most non-combat elites, definitely will put a dent in a vehicle!


Self-repair Mechanisms

In the Command Phase, Cawl regenerates D3 lost Wounds.

Mechanicus Bodyguard

Though he is a Monster type, when Cawl is within 3" of friendly Adeptus Mechanicus units, he gains Lone Operative. This means that you cannot select him as a target for shooting if you are more than 12" away.

Canticles of the Omnissiah
Finally, Belisarius has the Canticles ability which is the same as Magnus the Red and Abbadon the Despoiler in that he chooses one of three abilities at the start of the Battle Round and that ability stays active till the next battle round!

The Canticles of the Omnissiah are:
Shroudpsalm (Aura)
Friendly Ad Mech units within 6" have Benefit of Cover. So you take Cover with you!

Mantra of Discipline (Aura)
Friendly Ad Mech units within 6" add +1 to leadership tests and Battle Shock tests!

Invocation of Machine Vengeance (Aura)
Friendly Ad Mech units within 6" re-roll to Hit rolls of 1.

Overall, Cawl's attacks are fair for his points, his toughness and defensive rules are great for what he does. I feel that Invocation of Machine Vengeance would be great when paired up with certain units that maybe cannot get the same sort of buff in another way.

I will need to review more Mechanicus units to see!

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Alphabetical List

FactionUnitReview Number
Adeptus CustodesProsecutors#1
Adeptus CustodesTrajann Valoris#40
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Fusilave#13
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Stratoraptor#14
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Transvector#15
Black TemplarsHigh Marshall Helbrecht#38
Black TemplarsMarshall#46
Blood AngelsBaal Predator#2
Blood AngelsLemartes#32
Chaos DaemonsDaemonettes#29
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Brigands#30
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Executioners#31
Chaos Space MarinesAbbadon the Despoiler#50
Chaos Space MarinesHaarken Worldclaimer#41
Chaos Space MarinesKhorne Lord of Skulls#37
Dark AngelsAsmodai#16
Dark AngelsAzrael#17
Dark AngelsBelial#4
Dark AngelsDeathwing Knights#20
Death GuardBiologus Putrifier#5
Death GuardBlightlord Terminators#10
Death GuardChaos Lord#36
Death GuardLord of Contagion#52
Death GuardTallyman#39
Genestealer CultsAberants#47
Genestealer CultsReductus Saboteur#33
Grey KnightsBrother Captain#25
Grey KnightsGrand Master#48
Grey KnightsStrike Squad#51
Imperial AgentsCallidus Assassin#9
Imperial AgentsVigilant Squad#26
Imperial KnightsArmiger Helverin#22
Imperial KnightsArmiger Warglaive#43
Leages of VotannBrôkhyr Iron-master#27
Leages of VotannSagitaur#3
Leages of VotannÛthar the Destined#44
OrksHunta Rig#28
Space MarinesKayvaan Shrike#23
Space MarinesMarneus Calgar#42
Space MarinesRazorback#21
T'au EmpireDarkstrider#12
T'au EmpireKroot Carnivore Squad#19
Thousand SonsMagnus the Red#49
TyranidsScreamer Killer#24
World EatersWorld Eaters Chaos Spawn#18

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


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