Another milestone reached: just hit the 3,000 followers mark!

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

I have been cutting down my "milestone posts" not to bother you with every little thing I achieve here on Hive but I am going to make an exception today as I just hit one that´s actually quite big (at least for me). Yesterday, shortly after posting the latest round of my upvote giveaway, I finally reached the long awaited milestone of 3,000 followers!


I was so excited about the achievement that I decided to pull out my "exceptional graphic design / photo editing skills" again to immortalize that epic moment in this "artsy" form :D


I wondered who that 3,000th follower was and it seems that it was @metapiziks.


Thank you for helping me reach this long awaited milestone @metapiziks, I just sent you a little token of gratitude, you can check that out in your wallet ;)

Now I have been a member of this amazing community for approximately 1,500 days so on average, I get 2 new followers every day but this is just the theory. I remember that, for some reason, it was much easier to get new followers in the very early days of the blockchain back then in 2016 and 2017 than it is now. So if you created your account, let´s say, at least 4 years ago and if you were active (posting, commenting, curating) enough, you could easily gain dozens of new followers every week. Sure, some of them were probably bots but still, your follower base was growing really fast back then. So paradoxically, I have built most of my current follower base (or a significant part of it at least) back in the days when I was just a little minnow with low reputation and vague understanding of how things work here. But that only makes me appreciate and be grateful for getting new followers even more now.

Thank you so much guys, every single one of you. I really value the engagement and support of all of you. Thanks a lot. Now onward and upward to the 4k :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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