Embarking this new life journey with Hive: Be with me as I sail this adventure as J!

About Me
Hello, a new Hiver here. To begin with, let me introduce myself by sharing my name. I’m Jessiel Marie Demoral, and I come from the country of Asia's pearl of the Orient, the Philippines, from its specific islands of the Queen City of the South. Cebu is in the northern province of Cebu, San Remigio. I’m very much more willing and excited to let everyone know my life stories, lessons, and experiences.

I was born in the Municipality of San Remigio, known to be the longest shoreline in the North with its beautiful beaches and hospitality neighborhoods rich in culture, and celebrated its festival known as the Lapyahan Festival.

My name is deprived of my parent’s name. They’re Jessie and Marecil; that’s why my name is Jessiel Marie, given to me by my aunt, and I was born in the four corners of my grandparents’s house. I’m the eldest of my parents; we are all girls, and people would call us “tres marias,” which means three daughters.

I’m 46 in weight and 5 ft. in height. I was born in February, not Valentine’s Day, but almost Valentine’s Day, and it’s February 18, 2002. I am twenty-two years old and was born with straight hair, whereas I get complimented by the people around me.

At this moment, I’m in my last term of earning my degree. I am a student at one of the external campuses of the prestigious university college in Cebu, which is the Cebu Normal University. I’m studying the course for a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management with a Major in Sustainable Tourism Management. I am striving to finish my degree for my parents, who supported me wholeheartedly. I chose this course for the reason that the beauty of the world amazes me, and I want to help sustain and improve its strategy. Aside from the fact that my parents can’t barely afford to bring me to college, I’m glad that they still supported my decision to take the admissions entrance exam until this moment.

In our household, we are all five. My parents and two sisters. My family is just a normal Filipino family, and we bonded by having karaoke in our house as we shared waves of laughter and stories. When we have an extra budget, we intend to use it by visiting holy places in neighboring areas. During the holidays, my family will always make plans to go to places that have seasonal decorations.

My parents are both hardworking, striving every day for our lives and to support our needs and wants. My father is a company driver, and my mother is a housewife who takes care of cows and chickens. Both of them are into gardening, and they can sell those vegetables to our neighbors. Some are spinach, bitter ground, chili, and squash, as well as eggplants and okra. There are vegetables that can grow easily in our tropical area. My parents also have well-handicapped baskets for extra money. The baskets are made of environmental resources, which are called abaca in our dialect.

I have siblings who are currently studying higher education in the city. The middle child is the eldest, who’s studying in the province, and the youngest is still in high school. Since I’m the eldest daughter of my parents, if my parents aren’t available for their school event, it’s me who will attend and support them with admiration and love.

I have a soft spot for pets. Cats and dogs, aww awww and meow meow, Keshi is the cat, Gia, and Kamlon are the dogs, but wait, we have plus one in our family, and he’s Cobydot, the son of Gia. I have a soft spot for them for the reason that I find them cute, gentle, and homey. Keshi is a type of cat that originated in Thailand and is a Khao Manee cat breed with different colors and types of eyes. He is a picky eater, and all of them don’t want to take a bath, and it’s stressing me out. But anyway, I love them still.

Furthermore, I am surrounded by people who have beautiful souls. They are easy to be with and have the same interests as mine. I love sunsets; they love sunsets. We have this promise that we’ll go on an adventure in the near future, and they’re my high school buddies. We named our group “Team Suksuk.” We always plan bondings where we go swimming around the north.

Interest | Hobbies
A little trivia about me: I love swimming, but I don’t know how to swim. My mother’s parents live near the sea. I drowned when I was still a child, and I can recall that I couldn’t speak or even move. I'm glad my aunt saved me, and yet I’m the one who always pursues the group to go swimming. I feel at ease hearing the soft sea waves and feeling the unseen breeze while I touch its sand and admire its overall beauty.

Additionally, there’s more about me, which is my hobby. When I’m bored, I do find ways to keep myself entertained, and that’s why I discovered that reading is not for nerds at all. I discovered that I loved it. Flipping the pages from prologue to epilogue is fun and interesting. I love how books controlled my emotions while I cried and laughed, fell in love, and felt the embarrassment of the leads. I also love watching anime and Korean dramas. I’m a One Piece, Attack on Titan, and Jujutsu Kaisen fan. I hate watching horror movies, but I still watched them all. And there’s more. I’m a romance happy-ending fan as well.

I learned to bike on my own with our neighbor’s bike, and when I already learned that, my father bought me a bike, which he sold when we were on a tight budget. I’m interested in photography and modeling. I do shoots of my own when I’m bored. Dress up and finish it with make-up. I pose in front of the camera with a self-timer and edit it within those editors' apps.

I always capture things; my camera is always in my hand everywhere I go because it’s my passion, and I want to keep moments as long as I can. The reason why I wanted to own a digital camera was because I wanted to enter the world of freelancing photographers. And I love it. Traveling from one place to another by bus is enjoyable to me.

My Hive Adventure Starts Here

The reason why I joined Hive is how interesting it is to share stories with people you don’t know with admiration and without criticism. Engaging with them and sharing positivity. I’m an aspiring author and with this platform, I want to work out my writing skills by sharing My life stories.
And to the person who introduced Hive to me, @jeannmazing, a big thanks for helping me join this platform. Everyone and everything is admirable for sharing their life stories and lessons, as well as their experiences.

Yay! Now that I’m done sharing my introduction as of the moment, but to everyone who’s reading my introduction, don’t be sad because I still have a lot of journey to share with you. I’m an adventure type of person, so you can expect that I'll be posting adventure travel blogs and other life events, so stay tuned.

Adios Hivers!

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