A Special Day for Kids: Celebrating the Children's Month 2023

"Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him."
~Psalm 127:3

I am finally back dear Hive friends! I've recently gone through a series of challenges. Thankfully, I have finally bounced back and excited to (again) be able to put my heart and soul into words for my blog. I hope you are still there to read about what I'm about to share.

November is officially declared as the National Children's Month here in the Philippines. Recently, our local day care school teachers here in our barangay organized a program to celebrate this month for our precious children. Personally, I was relieved that my son had fully recovered from HMFD before the event. Otherwise, it would be a waste since we only get to join this event if one's child is enrolled in the government-funded daycare center (a.k.a. a child development center). Moreover, my son seemed very excited to join since he actively participated in the dance practice for the said event. He was also very eager to be on the stage along with his friends.


The activity was held last November 11, 2023. There were two parts of the event: a short program with a few competitions in the morning, and a coronation of the Prince and Princess of Day Care 2023 in the afternoon.

Since the local officials were mainly involved in the support of the daycare centers, parents didn't need to do much in the preparations. My mother helped book the venue in the Elementary School's covered court. The children had to prepare for the dance presentations. A select few were chosen to join the singing competition and the draw-and-tell contest. Parent also needed to prepare what the students will be wearing in the morning and most especially for the coronation in the afternoon. In my case, I had to prepare my son's clothes for the coronation as he was a runner up (Yay! He still gets to sit on the chairs on the stage!).I also had to scribble a few lines for him to memorize for the welcome address. I am more than thankful that my mother was very supportive and she actually helped with the practice and with the fixing of the costume I had borrowed from a colleague. 💜
367942533_213687481750930_8578928312708361664_n.jpg Costume fitting and rehearsal at home 👏

The event began at around 9 in the morning. Before that, the daycare teachers of several barangays arrived and set the tables for the judges of the contests. Parents who have been pre-assigned arranged the chairs for the participants. The local barangay officials also came to help set up the sound system.

348360208_3559408827657861_7173399166956237286_n.jpg The stage had been decorated the night before by some of the PTA Officers. 💜

385538748_355525357047658_2731428341118490656_n.jpg A salute to these hardworking teachers, barangay officials, and staff 👏

The affair has finally commenced and the children looked like they were itching to dance on the stage. As one may expect, some kids were very restless as they were roaming around, waiting for their teachers to tell them it was time to dance. Many parents and guests came to witness this simple but very special event in the life of the children. Many people clearly missed having an event like this one. 💜

Watching the first few parts of the event, I am amazed at how day care teachers had handled the kids while preparing for the presentations. It must have been quite challenging to keep the kids' attention and focus in check.

368059916_7194671500544537_2224106148259195969_n.jpg Doxology led by the afternoon class 💜 My son is at the back talking to his other classmate 🤣

It was then my son's turn to give a short welcome address. He paused for several seconds. I was a bit afraid he had forgotten the lines. It was his first time to talk on the stage in front of many people. Good thing he was able to fight that nervousness and delivered his welcome address. 👏

400167140_853123439691792_5696398716870904237_n.jpg Well done anak! 💜👏🙌

The first contest began. It was a singing contest where children need to choose OPM songs. It was fun listening to the voices of the kids, marvelled at how they were able to remember a lot of lines when most of them have just started learning letters and basic sight words. I also find it cute when kids are just "being kids" on the stage, being confident,and being expressive.

367975504_1593636214799566_6634537179491255136_n.jpg Singing contest 🎤 In the middle of the contest, one kid goes " Kapoya na uy" (in English: "I'm tired") since he has been singing the chorus over and over again. 😅 Another kid cried when it was her turn to sing.

My mother was one of the judges of the contests. It wasn't her first time to do so as she had been invited many times in the past to events like this one. She said it was always fun every time especially when there are moments when kids forget lines and started giving adlibs, or when kids remarkably memorize a lot of lines while singing with such gestures.


400116156_3272366663062437_7198524977868694586_n.jpg Draw and Tell. This kid was very smart in her explanation 💜👏

Many parents were also very busy taking photos and videos during the dance presentations. I wouldn't want to miss a moment like this. Like most parents, I want to document my child's experiences as they will someday become beautiful memories. 💜

A month before the event, the parents were already made aware of the afternoon activity which is the coronation of the Prince and Princess of Day Care 2023. This was voluntary and we drew lots to pick the winners who will be given seats on the stage. My son was lucky to have picked the seventh spot on the stage. Everyone who joined had been given a title based on colors. 👑🌈


It took quite a while to start the coronation as all the participating pairs of children were given their moment to shine as they walk on the aisle. As the prince, the princess, and the royal court were called to the stage, I noticed my son having the time of his life. He was eager to go up the stage and he looked like he had fun talking to other kids on the stage. He wasn't crowned the prince but he definitely look like a shining prince to me. 😘

369702919_1070381950632583_6996126965207433937_n.jpg The prince and the princess were both very young and wouldn't sit still if their parents leave the stage. It made everyone smile. 👑😊

After the coronation, the children gathered at the center of the covered court to have their community dance. A daycare teacher was actively leading their dance on the stage.


At the close of the event, the barangay captain and some core persons in the event gave their messages of gratitude to everyone who made the event a success. I was thinking that after this one, many would just leave the venue. But I was really glad to see many parents still stayed after the event to stack the monoblock chairs. Others were also picking up litter and placing the trash in bins. The daycare teachers sat on the stairs of the stage after the event. I know they were really exhausted from the preparations to training the kids in the presentations, to the beginning and down to the close of the affair.

This experience made me think about how difficult it is to be a teacher to kids aged 3 to 5. I feel thankful to the patient and dedicated daycare teachers who helped us experience a fun and memorable Children's Month celebration. A salute to these teachers!

As a parent, I realized that school activities involving one's child could be a challenge. In my case, I had to look for my son's clothes and also help him learn his short message. I am blessed to have a great support system. My mother mainly trained my son for the welcome address as I only get home late in the afternoon. One of my colleagues was kind enough to let me borrow a princely costume/ outfit that her son had outgrown.

As for the kids, I could really say that many of them enjoyed the affair very much. Being able to sing, or to dance on the stage must have been a very fulfilling feeling especially when the parents are watching them and appreciating them. This is indeed what we should do for our children---celebrate them and show them how much they are loved, valued, and cherished not only for a day or a month but in every single day for life. And as the theme of this month's celebration goes, may all children be healthy, nourished, and protected. 😊

Thank you dear Hive friends for taking the time to read. I hope we all get to appreciate, love, and protect children all over the world.💜

Note:All photos are taken personally using my phone. Parents of kids in some photos were aware I was taking these as I was mostly in the front seat during the program. I only used Paint 3D to crop the photos.

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