I Paid a Blind Old Woman To Torture me

I Paid a Blind Old Woman To Torture me

October 22, 2023, Sunday.

Ok, before you think I am crazy or someone who loves to inflict pain on myself, let me explain.

Last night, I did not sleep well because of body pain. I caught the flu and my body ached from my head up to my feet. The pain was all over my body. Each time I move I feel there's something a needle on every joint.

Because of the pain, I have been imagining (or was it a hallucination) that there are colored blocks all over my back. Each block is a part of my bone structure and they were not in place, causing me execurating pain.

I took paracetamol before I went to sleep, but it did not help. I was awake almost the whole evening.

In the morning, I decided to call our neighborhood torturer... I mean reflexologist, Nanay Thelma.

Nanay Thelma is blind. She was not blind by birth. But after she got blinded she got her reflexology training in a local "house of the blind" so to speak.

Painful Pleasure

She started working on my right arm. Each time she hits an "air pocket" in my nerves or muscles, I can hear it pop, and cause me so much pain. Often, I can hear the pop in rapid succession that sounds like someone is eating a chicharron or pork crackling. I would grimace in pain each time it happened. Sometimes, I'm holding back not to scream in pain.

The arm was nothing though when started working on the legs, especially my calves. I was lying on my back, but on several occasions, I would raise my upper body in pain.

I asked her if she was ever cursed by some of her clients, because of the pain. Worse, she got kicked by one client in pain. Understandably, one may not control himself/herself how to respond to the pain. I would often raise my other foot in pain, but I always tried to keep it away from her face.

After the painful torture though. I felt relieved. I still have the fever, but the body pain has lessened already.

At the moment, I feel much better now. I will more about Nanay Thelma in the future.

Thanks for reading.

Also posted in readcash

Post No. 2023-46
Date Posted: October 22, 2023, Philippine Standard Time
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Title Image source: pixabay with modification
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