How's It Going On The First Week?


Summer break is over, classes are in!

How was the first week of being a third year college student this semester?

Upon surviving the previous two years, we're now starting to feel the critical moments of our journey here in college. This week supposed to be just for the meet and greet of teachers and students, but we have been challenged already on the first week. Classes have just began but there were lots of things that happened in a short time.


Here we are attending our first class. Surprisingly, my Instructor here was also my subject teacher during my Senior High School and when I was a First Year College Student. I was instantly recognized for sure. It was an entertaining discussion but I had struggled adapting to a new crowded and noisy environment once again. My social anxiety was acting up and I think I managed to adjust on the third day onwards.

It's just funny how I outgrow my uniforms. The sizes were now a perfect fit to me and there isn't any allowance left. I think that's because of how I enjoy eating during summer break.

Club Fair

Some departments organized an acquaintance event for Freshmen for welcoming, but also, the entire school conducted the Club Fair that will be held for the whole week. Wherein, all organizations and clubs should display their booths in the most creative way and attract students that are interested to join.


This was our booth for CKI where I volunteered to oversee during one of my vacant days. They have displayed the awards that the organization have acquired, informative pamphlets and cards. Also, they are selling sticky notes for fund raising, which students or anyone can buy and write down anything to be posted at their Freedom Wall.


Supposedly, I was tasked to stay at our booth for the entire day but since it was stationed near the Guidance Office and I'm close with the staff, I was invited sometimes to hang out and help them with other tasks. We accompanied them to order Buldak noodles for breakfast and have lunch with them at the conference room. After that, I lend them my Canva Pro account to help them edit some pubmats for our organization's social media posts.


From time to time, I was also checking the other booths because I was also a member. I've helped on cutting out cute stickers for the Mental Health Alliance and creating the informative bookmarks of SDRRMU.

First Library Visit

Since we're now staying at the main campus, we can now have access to the Main Library which delighted me so much. You know me, books are my haven. Yet, even the school library now are adpating to today's generation. It's not that quiet and very strict librarian anymore. They're allowing students to stay even without purpose and bring foods are allowed as long as the students will practice the CLAYGO policy.


We went here to look up our assignment on Rizal's Life and Works since we need to research for our group performance. This is also our first visit here with library related concerns since I've been here before but for another reasons. If I have got more time that day, I could have checked the books available and read for few pages but we need to prioritize our assignment first. Maybe, for some time I could do that.

The rest of that week were classes followed by group assignments to end it with. That was a bit stressful on the first week but it's fine. We need to adapt as fast as we can. Our Capstone Project will be waving soon and that's more stressful than anything for now. Anyway, that's how my week has been and those were the highlights.

Thanks for dropping by!

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