Sammi Jo's POV

Where Are You?

My Pet Hooman seems to be gone an awfully long time these days. For the last month He had been doing storm cleanup and repairs. Not just at our damaged property but way down the street we live on where I can not watch him thru the windows. When we are not out on deliveries together in my big blue rolling home seen here.


He leaves the house just before the large bright hot ball of blinding light rises above the trees. He calls that "daybreak."

He gets on that orange tractor thingy and disappears thru an opening in the trees we go in and out of with my blue home. He calls it a "driveway."

Panther Like

Then I do not see him for a long long time. I wait and watch and worry if He will come back. What he tells me he is doing is dangerous. He showed me a few picture on this celly thingy I am pawing this post out on. By the way, who are those strange kittens? I can smell them on him when he comes home. When I meowed at him about it he said...

"Go LšŸ‘€k @ this Dreaming of Kittens post to find out."

Here are some of those scary pictures.




My pet hooman is way up high and he does not have the panther like agility to always land on his feet like us cats do. He will surely go SPLAT all over the ground.

He says it is only half a day, but it seems like forever to me. I watch and wait and wait and watch...

Take Me With You!

Maybe if I hide in this weird blue cooler box he puts food into and takes with him sometimes he will take me?

Cooler Kitty (2) 5-5-2015.png

Cooler Kitty 5-5-2015.jpg

Finally he comes home sometimes for lunch break. And a few days it was after the hot bright ball has gone back below the trees on the other side. I follow him all around and press against him trying to let him know how I feel.




I wonder if my pet hooman knows how much I love and need him? Sometimes he lets CATURDAYS fly right by like a bird outside the window and I can not even catch it!

If he could only see things from...

My Kitty Point of View


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