Skippyjon Finds the Perfect Perch on top of a Ladder!

Skippyjon is a bundle of energy, and he's also very talkative like most Siamese cats. He definitely lets us know when he's not happy. He's very playful.

The other day, the tall ladder was out in the living room while the boys were sweeping spiderwebs off of the ceiling and making some repairs.

Skippyjon climbed up to the top and claimed his space. He definitely made himself at home up there!

He didn't look terribly comfortable at times, but he stayed up there quite some time. I think he liked that he was out of the reach of the kids while he was up there!

After a while, they decided he had been up there long enough, so they tried to coax him down with some treats. He wasn't really interested and would mostly ignore them!

At one point, I'm pretty sure he had decided he was going to get onto the fan, but thankfully, when he tried, it moved, so he gave up! Crazy boy!

He just sat up there most of the afternoon and even took a nap! He really enjoyed his perch from on high where no one could reach him! Ha!

Too bad we finished the project and had to remove the ladder. It makes me want to put one of those cat beds up high in our living room, but I'm sure he wouldn't touch it if it was put there on purpose! Ha!

He was helping do laundry the other day and he got too tired and decided to nap in the laundry basket on the bed. Ha!

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