Parna lokomotiva, muzejski primer 🚂💨💨 💨 Steam locomotive, museum example

U znak sećanja na nekadašnji prevoz. 🚂💨💨 💨

In memory of the former transport. 🚂💨💨 💨

Šetnjom kroz moj grad, nekako sam dospela do davno zaboravljene železničke stanice.
Danas se veoma slabo putuje ovim prevoznim sredstvom, ali nekada davno bilo je jedno od nezaobilaznih prevoznih srestva.

Walking through my town, I somehow reached the long-forgotten train station.
Nowadays, this means of transport is rarely used, but once upon a time it was one of the indispensable means of transport.




Ispred zgrade stare željezničke stanice se nalazi jedna parna lokomotiva, mislim da je pravi primerak za muzej.
Malo je zarasla u travu, godinama na suncu i kiši pa se i boja poremetila, ljušti se zarđali delovi se mogu uočiti na njoj.
Ipak ako se sredi i prefarba bila bi zaista pravi primerak jedne parne lokomotive za muzej, danas je retko gde možemo sresti.
Prkosila bi zubu vremena koji nije uspeo ds je uništi.

In front of the building of the old railway station there is a steam locomotive, I think it is a real specimen for the museum.
It has grown a bit into the grass, for years in the sun and rain, so the color has also changed, peeling rusty parts can be seen on it.
However, if it is fixed and repainted, it would be a real example of a steam locomotive for a museum, nowadays it is rare to find it anywhere.
She would defy the ravages of time that failed to destroy her.






Ipak svaki detalj na njoj govori o davnoj prošlosti, zaista treba da se očisti, prefarba i odloži u muzej jer je zaista to i zaslužila.

However, every detail on it speaks of the long past, it really needs to be cleaned, repainted and put in a museum because it really deserves it.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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