Growth in exploring through the month of July

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It's the last day of the month and I am grateful for my achievements so far although I still aim for more to come. I really don't believe that anyone can be completely or entirely fulfilled in a particular month because it takes a process and a while to be fully assured that some thing is achieved. My point exactly is because of the fact that change is constant, living a human life is a difficult thing to do because emotions can change, feelings can change, and can bring about a different personality in you, so today a person is happy tomorrow it's the emotion of sadness or inconsistency and so on. But when we are able to navigate through as individuals or human beings then we know that we are fully succeed and this can be a whole process involved.

The month of July was a great month it happens to be the month where I got you explore new ideas and also to experience the cultural heritage of older Nigerians who are within my vicinity. From the experience so far I can say this has helped me to grow both on a personal level and at an intellectual level. One of such activities for this month was the exploration of different tribal regions in Nigeria. We had a church Thanksgiving where, the youth were asked to dress in their cultural attire to represent their tribe. It was such a fun Sunday as all tribes came prepared and showcased themselves in their beautiful outfits. We had tribes like, igbo, hausa, Yoruba, kogi, Owan west, Esan and so on.

In July, I incorporated a lifestyle where I slice cucumber and lemon into water, a means to make it more more healthy and to improve my immune system. I read somewhere that it can increase the alkaline levels in the body that fights against disease and sickness. When the necessary foods are incorporated into the body, it helps to restore body nutrients and keep us healthy against germs and illness. Also, the use of vitamin C 1000mg and vitamin D, is a supplement I added to help boost my reproductive system as a young lady. It is know that most Nigerian women lack sufficient vitamin d in their systems and so since we cannot get enough of that from food, we use supplements.

Also, the vitamin c of 1000mg is known to support the overall well-being of a woman especially during menstrual cycles or menopause. It is know to offer healing to the uterus and the body generally. It improves skin health. All these I incorporated into my lifestyle as a means to improve my health both physically and mentally. It's advisable we tend to our health from time to time.

This is a part of my entry for the #juneinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.

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