Helping a school in Venezuela Project is Fully Funded

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Web3 Hub Project Updates

We are thrilled to share with you that we have successfully secured 100% of the necessary funds for the #Web3Hub project. This means that we no longer need to worry about not having sufficient funds, and we can now shift our focus towards the necessary repairs and meticulously planning how we will begin teaching children about #Web3. We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received, and we are excited about the positive impact this project will have on the school, teachers, kids and even parents.

In this post, we're excited to share the latest updates on our project. If you're new to this project, we suggest you begin by reading everything from the beginning to get a better understanding of what we're working on and how things have progressed.


Short Summary looking for funds

At the beginning of our project, our main worry was about securing enough funds. We wondered how much time it would take to gather the necessary financial support to achieve our goals. The initial week turned out to be quite thrilling. We accomplished a lot in just seven days, which was a promising start. Our primary strategy was to rely on #Crowdfunding and to reach out to all the embassies and communities connected to #Venezuela. Unfortunately, this approach did not yield the results we hoped for. We quickly realized that Crowdfunding on the #Web2 platform is effective only if you have connections with the right people. Additionally, we faced another setback when we discovered that the Venezuelan embassies were not interested in getting involved with our project.

Despite these challenges, our spirits were lifted thanks to the encouragement and support we received from our friends on #Hive. This wave of positive energy was exactly what we needed. It not only gave us a good starting point for our funding but also helped us to shift our focus towards #Web3funding. This new direction seemed to offer more promise, and we were excited to explore the opportunities it could bring.

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Monero Community Funds

Up until now, our project has received most of its financial support from the #Monero Community, through their crowdfunding platform named Kuno. For anyone interested in initiating their own fundraising campaign, I highly recommend visiting their site at to get started.

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We have successfully gathered a total of 7.7094 XMR in donations, exclusively from contributions made by the Monero community. It's important to note that the value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate quite a bit. Aware of this, we have been carefully monitoring the market. Our strategy has been to wait for the value of #XMR to increase before converting it to another currency. Following this approach, we converted 7 XMR when the value was favorable, which resulted in us obtaining 2670 HIVE tokens. The value of these #tokens amounted to nearly $1050.


Monero Chan

To express our gratitude and support for the Monero #Community, we embarked on a creative project that reflects both our appreciation and the unique talents within our team. Monero, known for its engaging Anime mascot named "MoneroChan," inspired us to #contribute in a special way. We are fortunate to have an exceptionally talented #artist on our team, someone who excels in bringing imaginative concepts to life through art. Inspired by this, we decided to design our own rendition of #MoneroChan.

Given that our project has a strong educational focus, we felt the need for a character that could embody the qualities of an ideal educator. We envisioned a character who would not only be joyful, beautiful, and positive but also equipped with unparalleled #Web3 skills. Our aim was to create a version of MoneroChan who could serve as a #teacher, someone who could inspire and educate with ease and grace.

We are thrilled to share the progress of our digital artwork, Teacher Monero Chan. This endeavor is more than just a piece of #DigitalArt; it's a symbol of our commitment to education and innovation in the Web3 space. Our excitement doesn't stop with the digital realm, as we plan to bring Teacher Monero Chan into the physical world by painting her on one of the walls in our #Web3Classroom. This artwork will not only decorate our learning space but also serve as a constant source of inspiration and a reminder of the collaborative spirit of the Monero community. We eagerly anticipate the day we can unveil the completed mural and share it with everyone, especially the Monerians. 🤗


Hive support and Funding

We are incredibly grateful to @OCD and their diligent curation team for their consistent support in curating our articles, which play a crucial role in our project. These articles serve as the backbone of our commitment to #transparency and the dissemination of information. Our goal is to spread our message as widely as possible, with a special focus on reaching out to communities in Venezuela, to demonstrate the incredible achievements we can accomplish through collective effort.

A lot of you are familiar with @bambukah, who stands out as an incredibly hardworking, compassionate, approachable, and affectionate individual. He's not just any member of our community; he's a dedicated supporter of the Hive platform. Over the years, he has contributed significantly by creating #open-source tools and offering his support to various Hive-related initiatives. His commitment to our cause is unparalleled, and he's gone above and beyond by generously donating 250 HBD to our project. However, there's something about him that many of you might not be aware of. @bambukah has been battling a severe illness, which causes him to endure a great deal of pain daily.

It's truly heartbreaking to know that someone as kind and giving as @bambukah is going through such a tough time. We hold onto the hope that he will recover soon. Once he's better, we look forward to the opportunity to express our gratitude in person, to give him a hug, and to let him know just how much his kindness has meant to us and the project. His strength and generosity inspire us all, and we send him our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.


Web3 Classroom Repairs

This week, we focused on #fixing up the classroom to make sure it was safe and secure. Since all the students were on Easter break, it was the ideal time to begin this project. To start, @nahupuku, along with a group known as the Repair Team (or Team Juan), set out to find all the materials we needed for the repairs. After gathering everything required, they decided to take a taxi back instead of walking. They chose to do this to avoid any risks, such as someone possibly stealing the materials they had just bought. This precaution is a reflection of daily life in #Venezuela, where it's important to always be alert and cautious while moving around on the streets.

The taxi safely delivered the incredible team back to the school, and without wasting any time, they began their work. @Nahupuku took on the role of capturing the moment; he started taking pictures and recording videos to document the entire process. Meanwhile, the rest of the repair team got busy with the initial tasks. They began by cleaning the windows thoroughly. Once that was done, they moved on to preparing the walls for a fresh coat of #paint. This preparation involved scrubbing old paint off the walls, which is not exactly the most enjoyable task. However, despite the challenge, everyone was glad that it was getting done. The team's dedication to improving the school's condition was evident through their hard work and enthusiasm for even the less pleasant parts of the job.

After finishing the task of scrubbing the walls, the team was ready to move on to the next step: #painting. We chose to paint the walls white because this color would make it easier to add various artworks to the walls later on. Besides, white walls would help make the room appear brighter and more welcoming. So, the team went ahead and applied the first layer of white paint. Once this was done, they decided it was a good stopping point for the day.

On the following day, the team made another trip to the store. This time, they needed to buy more #materials to keep the work going. They were not only focusing on making the classroom look good but also on making it secure. To address the security aspect, a welding specialist was brought in to join the team for the day. With this new addition, the team was prepared to work on enhancing the #security features of the classroom.

With the help of the welder, we were able to make significant improvements to the classroom's security. The doors were not only fixed, but we also added extra security hinges and installed two new locks. This was a necessary step to prevent anyone from breaking in and stealing the #computers, which are essential for our students' learning.

After securing the doors, the team went back to the task of painting the walls. They applied a third coat of white paint to ensure a bright and even finish. We haven't seen the final #result yet, but we're excited to share how it turned out in our next update.

In addition to the painting and security enhancements, Mr. Juan focused on the electrical needs of the classroom. He installed 12 new light bulbs, replacing the old ones to brighten up the space significantly. He also took the time to #inspect and #fix any issues with the wiring. This was an important safety measure to prevent any electrical hazards and ensure a safe learning environment for the #students. We look forward to revealing the completed work and the difference these improvements have made in our next update.

We've come a long way with the repairs, and we're optimistic that by next week, our #web3 classroom will be fully prepared and ready to use. There are still a few tasks the team needs to tackle to ensure everything is in perfect order. These tasks include addressing a few small electrical problems that are still pending, installing the missing glass panes in some of the windows to ensure the room is secure and #weatherproof, and laying out all the necessary cabling to #connect the computers that will be used in the classroom.

For those of you who are curious about the work we've done so far and want to see the #transformation of the classroom, there's good news. You can actually see videos showcasing all the repair and preparation activities. @Nahupuku has been documenting our progress and has uploaded a video on @threespeak. It's a great way to catch up on all the efforts the team has put into making the classroom a conducive space for #learning. So, if you're interested, I highly recommend checking out that video to see the amazing work done by the team.


Up until now, we have spent a total of $482. Although we are starting to worry that we might not have enough #money to cover all our expenses, we are optimistic. We hope that by carefully choosing what to spend on and selling NFTs from the School Hive Art project, we will gather enough money. Currently, we still have $1148 left, but we need to pay $1275 more. Additionally, we expect some more #expenses to come up, which might add about another $100 to our costs. This means we would need to find an extra $227 to add to our budget. Despite this being our first experience with such a project, we think we are doing pretty well.

One of the biggest #challenges we are facing involves the currency exchange rates in Venezuela. There are two different rates for the dollar: the official rate and the unofficial rate that most shops use. Unfortunately, this difference has already cost us about $100. On top of that, we continue to encounter unexpected expenses, which adds to the challenge. However, we are determined and believe we are on the right path. Despite these financial hurdles, we remain hopeful that we will be able to manage our #finances successfully.

Classroom Repairs so far $402

  • $60.001 super vinyl
  • $8.001 gallon mastic
  • $12.006 sheets of sandpaper
  • $6.001 brush of 4"
  • $3.001 brush of 2"
  • $3.001 roll Sticky tape
  • $25.00 1 gallon of rubber paint decorative plus
  • $25.001 gallon of enamel
  • $40.001 gallon white paint
  • $24.001 gallon enamel
  • $16.001 gallon gray b
  • $3.003 hinge
  • $1.001 kg plaster
  • $4.002 roller sleeves
  • $2.002 metal welding rings
  • $20.001 lock 35m
  • $5.001 silicon bar T
  • $15.001 padlock
  • $48.00 12 lamp bulbs (4$ each one)
  • $7.001 power strip
  • $35.00windows crystal
  • $40.00Mr Pedro Doors security welding

Art Related costs so far $30

  • $15.00Digital Monero Chan Art ($15 out of $30)
  • $15.00 Printing 3 Posters

Extra unplanned costs so far $50

  • $10.00Taxi
  • $10.00Food
  • $10.00Orinoco exchange fee
  • $10.00Orinoco exchange fee
  • $10.00Taxi


Our main Focus

  1. Finding Computers.
    Our upcoming task involves searching for computers that are both efficient and affordable to equip our Web3 classroom. Given our tight budget constraints, we're targeting the acquisition of three #PCs to ensure that we have some resources available for the children's use. It's crucial that these computers meet the basic requirements necessary for conducting video calls, #streaming videos online, and accessing and utilizing the Hive #ecosystem effectively. Finding reasonably priced electronics in Venezuela is challenging due to the high costs, and locating a reliable store adds another layer of difficulty to our task.

    IMG-20240402-WA0044.jpgIn our search, we stumbled upon #refurbished Toshiba computer sets, which come with all necessary accessories, priced at $135 each. Unfortunately, their specifications fall short of what we need for smooth video conferencing and video streaming, leading us to continue our search for better-suited options.

  2. Hive Art Contest
    In our most recent update, we shared news about an art #competition we're putting together at the school. The main goal of this event is to discover how children visualize Hive and how they can creatively express their #ideas about it. We've introduced them to various aspects of Hive and provided a brief overview of what it is to spark their #imagination.

    As of now, we've learned that about 10 kids are showing interest in participating. However, we're optimistic that this number will grow. Teachers have committed to mentioning the #contest daily, encouraging students to consider taking part. They're emphasizing that everyone should give it a try, regardless of their initial hesitation or doubts about their artistic skills.

    We're hoping that with this continuous encouragement and the excitement around the #competition, we'll see around 30 students decide to enter. This would not only make the event more lively and diverse but also provide a broader range of interpretations of Hive through the eyes of the students. It's an exciting opportunity to see the platform from fresh perspectives and to foster creativity and expression among the students.


❤️How Can you help?


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