My Friend's Wedding

Two days back I mentioned about my Friend's Wedding rituals, and yesterday was the big day. They tied the knot and are now Mr & Mrs. Wedding is such an auspicious occasion and one of the big events of our life. Where 2 people commit to each other forever. Vows are taken and promises are made to each other to be there for each for lifetime. It's a very sacred relationship where a lot of sensitivity is required. Sometimes you need to step out of your own character and accommodate each other to maintain harmony and balance of this relationship.

Indian Weddings are grand and there is lots that happens, as I mentioned many rituals to follow pre & post wedding. Nowadays the younger generation is trying to keep it short by cutting down many rituals or going the simple way of Registration Marriage. I am a little old school of thought in this matter. I believe that all these rituals were designed with a purpose and they should be done. One may not make it very grand but they can also be done in simple ways. The thing is that Wedding is such an occasion where simple things also look extravagant, because there is so much joy around that it brings in a lot of good high energy in the space uplifting everyone's spirit.

I strongly believe in the institution of Marriage. I have been married for 26 years and it's not that I have not had ups and downs. I have had major ups and downs where we thought that we could no longer put up with each other. But the one thing that kept us together was the Love. That's the beauty of this relationship. It's build on Love, Trust, Respect and Care for each other. Yes if Love fades out then this relationship also fails.

Let me take you all through the yesterday's grand event.
That's the main stage for the Bride and the Groom. Very elegantly done.


The flower decor extended right up to the end of the stage



The entrance had a very nice light up. It was a perfect spot to click pictures.

The tables had a very elegant set up

This is the Bride and the Groom. They exchanged garlands and vows, after that we had a dance party. The DJ was playing a mix of numbers, some new some retro. There were many guests who sang songs dedicating it to the bride and the groom.
I wish I had a good voice, I could have dedicated a song for them....hehehe.

After the Bride and the Groom were off stage we took it over for some clicks. I never leave these opportunities.


And then was the food. A decent spread with a mix of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes were served.


The sweet counter had many options, though this one I did not touch. :-)

After the wedding we have a tradition to see off the bride at the groom's house. But since they had booked the hotel room we all friends went to their room and till late night we had an after party with them.
Weddings are fun and exhausting. In the moment there is lot of joy and energy but once they are over then you feel all the exhaustion. That's what I am feeling today :-)

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ


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