Cell-Shaded Eye Candy (Granblue Fantasy Relink Screenshots)

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Hey, JRPGs can look good right? Isn't that why people buy the Nintendo Switch? Well it's not for this one that for sure 🤡. Anyhoo, this PS5/PS4/PC title got the looks. So I decided to just splat the screenshots here. If you got money and so do your friends, check this game out.

Can't imagine a better use of a in-house engine that makes everything look similar to the UE5 engine. Bro, even the fires look dope. Art style only matters? Why flex the GPU power then? Here you go. Of course you won't be able to look at everything 90% of the time since you'll be fighting so much on the screen. But that 10% is pretty important though, it just gleams.

Also I sacrificed my memory chips from the GPU for all these shots, damn thing was burning past the 80s even with fan curve kicked up really high. Almost as if games like these love to scorch my PC while I play this one, oblivious to that ongoing. Please check my post 😟.

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Big Baddie Proto-Bahamut got out of his little cage and decided to throw a tantrum, even though his paws were shredding the ship down, we tickled them till he stopped and got his senses kicked in.

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Bad Bahamut, look at what you did. Now we gotta recoup with all the dungeon crawling money, there goes our food and shopping money. Also, wow, this scene looks dope.

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Tripped, fell, for some reason intact despite falling several thousand feet from the air. Plot armor sure has ways of working, but now we're separated, we need to regroup. Meanwhile forest inhabitants don't like us, so we smack sense back into them by taking them out. And then a bigger monster shows up.

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2hrs of teaching me the ropes of beating the absolute crap out of creeps and two boss battles later, we arrived at a home. So hustling, bustling, like straight out of a Ghibli film. Like peaceful, serene, friendly community of several races, and obvious fanservicing going on.

Then I basically ran around the place for like 5 more minutes or so, and I was pretty much done. It's pretty small for a hub. I really wanted to waste more time gathering errand quests and upgrading my characters before committing creep genocide all over.

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NGL, seeing a place like this was a sight for sore eyes. A respite from the constant awareness of hostilities everywhere. As you can see, a Draph restaurant hostess. Actually, this looks more like the Zelda:BOTW town but more broader and little refined maybe.

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Oh no, a hostage situation, it's not like these trolls are dead meat walking, lol.

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Some badguys show up, deploy their second in command and take us down for good. 5 minutes of fighting, he was barely scratched. MC was next, oh boy, it's not we're going to lose someone, are we?

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We ain't getting down that easy, on of our comrade gets kidnapped (the aqua-haired girl who can summon Bahamut), we take our fight to the skies, it's war time, baby!

Hope you guys enjoyed this. Hard to explain what it is. It's kind of like Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy 14 with the dungeon crawler type mission structure and open world map, but not entirely? It's fun nonetheless, was pretty hectic as well. Especially with friends.

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