Skirmish with Facebook Boomers on Local Group - Better Call Saul (of Tarsus)

Apparently, I am the "Prosecutor" of Christians. Whodathunkit!

Background: I had been noticing this lady continuously post religious content on a local community resident group and finally decided to speak out. I am Christian but doesn't mean I will disregard topical integrity. It is a forum for people to share content pertinent to our area, not for pushing anybody's particular religious point of view. Susan and company were not having it.

Clearly, the lady meant persecute instead of prosecute but I had to have a little fun with it. Generated the Saul of Tarsus prosecuting image via AI and then slapped on the Better Call Saul logo. Paul, formerly Saul, was the apostle that had persecuted Christians prior to his conversion on the road to Damascus. Better Call Saul is a Breaking Bad spinoff onvolving the exploits of attorney Saul Goodman. If maintaining good order on a forum requires my "prosecuting", I am happy to do so with or without a law degree.

Just imagine if you will that everybody just decided to post whetever religious content they wanted. Next thing you know, you have Islamic posting. Then, you have Calvinist posting followed by Laveyan Satanism posting. Just around the corner, you have Buddhist posting, Pastafarian posting, Scientology posting and it goes on and on and on.

This would clearly hinder finding relevant local information like the lady that lost her dinosaur charm hoping another member would find it, the announcement of a local event such as yard sales or farmers markets, weather related post such as flooding we had recently. You know normal stuff that would be helpful for residents.

After replying twice to Susan and others agreeing with me, I decided to talk to an admin about the ordeal but it didn't quite go as planned. They said they don't see a problem and went with the "you can just keep scrolling". They also encouraged me to not lurk so much and actually contribute content. Sure, why not?

Obviously, the goal was for community members not have to scroll past religious posts to see relevant data. At this point, I realized with help of my friends that it simply wasn't worth my time to press the issue further. The funny thing is that they would have a rule for no politics while allowing religion as both are divisive issues that often intersect. After my chiding about being a prosecutor, I decided it would be wise to concede and not waste my time trying to convince them further.

Little did I know my vindication was right around the corner. While making a Wally World run, I decides it would be helpful to take pics of the clearance section as these items tend to be unavailable online. This one was a hit.

My other post was inspired by recent rain we had. It was a LOT of rain. Our areas had been under water restrictions for some time due to the low levels of the Edwards aquifer. I did a bit of research and provided data on the change we had since last Friday which was 7 feet. Also, interesting to note that we have had more rain so far this year than the entire year of 2023. I threw in a little quip and posted.

Both of my newbie posts blew Susan's religious posting out of the water in terms of likes! That's what the people want. Not copy-pasted sermons. Hopefully, they will learn something by example because words certainly did not do the trick.

Disclaimer: I don't have a problem with boomers per se. Some of them are really cool like my father; however, some are just set in their ways and no amount of reasoning will get through. Those kind are what this post is about.

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