A Therapeutic Roadtrip to Breathe and Reboot

Hello, everyone! Who doesn’t love a long and therapeutic road trip? Life has been stressful lately, and going on a motorcycle ride seemed like a good idea to refresh and restart my mind. Allow me to recap you through the therapeutic road trip I had with my father.


Going on a motorcycle roadtrip with my father has become our way of bonding. When I heard that he will visit his old hometown in the Southern Part of Cebu, as a person who seeks for an adventure, I voluntereed to go with him knowing that he will use his motor since we don't have a four-wheeled car.


It was a 3-4 hour ride until we reached my father's old hometown; one might say it's tiring and boring, but its the other way around. The journey was therapeutic; giving me a short break free from all the pressures I've been getting lately.

Throughout our journey, we have seen some of the alluring beauties of Cebu. Such as the misty hills, crystal blue oceans, huge farms, lovely municipalities, and the city or downtown Cebu, which was usually not exposed to our eyes.




We used the route in the west part of Cebu to avoid traffics. Although the road in Toledo City is farther than the road in the east side, it is more relaxed.

Our hometown is in the province side, so our ride begins with a view of lush greenery in the roadside. As a person who lives in the mountain or province side, this view isn't new to me. No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I continue to find it enchanting because it is impossible for it to have no charm.





After the greenery and mountain views, the next setting we have found is the blue seawater and ponds. Truly, this ride is magnificent and divine. My eyes were blessed again by these beautiful sights that can be spotted along the way.



These are some of the amazing and interesting views that will keep your eyes entertained and glued to them during the ride. They are so pretty to watch that your thoughts wanders all over the place to the extent that it loses its direction.



We are on luck this day because of the perfect sunny weather; the temperature was not that hot and the wind is breezy.

When we reached my aunt and uncle's house in my father's old hometown, my father did his business and I took a nap. The sightseeing during the ride was fun, but sitting in the motorcycle seat was torture.





Hours later, my father and I resumed back to the road on the way home. To make our road trip worth it, I asked father if we could take the road in Transcentral Highway in Cebu since the views there are ecstatic.

The atmosphere of our ride changed when we set off on the highway in downtown part. The difference between this road and the road taken on our way was very different.

The city route we took was just stressful and full of pollution. I was grateful that we chose to use this road since it has been a while since I've visited the city.


I want to include this rider with this cute pikachu costume (which I think they wore because of a certain event). It was a cute costume that it caught my attention.





When we reached the uppertown or Busay, the place become more interesting. The air becomes more colder since it is in the higher altitude. I also love the architectural designs of the place amd generally the view they have.





The transcentral highway is about 45 kilometers from the city to Balamban. It was a long ride but worth it because of the gorgeous and alluring view along the way.


We took a break on top of the mountain where you can can see the green mountains and the overlooking view of Balamban.




After the steep road, the road is now going downhill to Balamaban. We returned to the western road which we usually use because it is way more relaxing. Although it was a longer route that we took, it was indeed a refreshing ride.

We did not only get to sight see the beautiful views, but we get to breathe and reboot our minds as well. That would be all for this blog; if you got this far reading, thank you. 'Til my next blog!

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