Greetings friends, I had 4 months without leaving my house, fortunately I was able to pass from my state to that of my parents to spend a few days with them, their residence is in the country, it is very pleasant to be there, and more after spending so much time without being able to see them.
On the way from my house to theirs you can see the animals in the courtyards, cows, sheep, rabbits, etc...
I really value the country more after so many days of confinement within four walls, because my house in the city does not have a patio, we only have the garage. Something that called my attention was the construction of mud houses inside the town, many years ago I didn't see this type of construction around here, since most of the houses are made of blocks, cement with its metallic structure, now they make the structure with sticks that people cut in the savannah.
They use smaller sticks to cover the entire structure of what will be the house.
Later they look for a place to take out the earth that they will use to cover the house, that is to say, the walls of the house will be built with that earth. Then they join that soil with straw to give it texture and in this way prevent it from detaching from the structure.
Finally the house is covered with this mixture, no particular tool is used for this process, the mixture is taken with the hands and placed on the structure.
After covering all the structure, the house will be ready to be inhabited, this type of construction is very fresh, what surprised me the most was the time used in its construction, if you have all the implements in one week they can be ready. In this case they used zinc roof, the one who has slept in a house with this type of roof will know how to appreciate how rich it is, well everything depends on the tastes, I love the noise it makes when it rains, others hate it. I hope this little publication will bring you fond memories as it did me.