#APART A Picture & A Reggae Tune


Welcome to the APART initiative. APART stands for “ A picture and a Reggae Tune”.
This is a simple initiative to get more people involved in the Reggaejahm community. If you like photography and want to explore some Reggae tunes, this is a fun and easy way to do it.

How to take part

All you have to do is post an original photo and tell us a little about it and then embed a Reggae song that the picture reminds you of or one that relates to the picture in some way. Here are three examples : The first one is by @trincowski, see how the song relates perfectly to the rain drops on the window? The song literally says “rain drops are falling on my head”. The second one is by @dmilliz, in this post he links the photo of the ducks to a popular Dancehall song called “Duck Dance”. In the third example by @josevas217 he links a palm tree photo to the reality that he isn’t on a beach and is in fact in the midst of a pandemic with a song called “True to Myself” by Ziggy Marley.

See how they linked the picture to the tune? That’s all you have to do.

At first the plan was to turn APART into a contest, but then I thought, I'd rather make it an ongoing tag all could get involved in and also to give more people a chance to post in the Reggaejahm community, especially photographers. Individuals have been using APART on their own will already and enjoying. APART is a really fun and simple type of content because you get to blend Photography with music, and the magic happens when you make the connection and it becomes a meaningful post.

You can take part in #APART anytime.

  • Be sure to use #APART
  • Post your APART content in the Reggaejahm community or on Reggaestem.io.
  • Tell your friends who love photography and Reggae Music about it.
  • Have fun and let's get JAHMIN.


Feel free to use the banner above in your APART posts. Looking Forward to your first #APART. Blessings🙏.



"APART is a simple concept we came up with to use a pic (any pic) and relate it to a Reggae tune. Music is life and our experiences bring out memories & the melodies." - @dmilliz

Subscribers to the Reggaejahm community have been tagged below. Please don't see this as spam but as someone asking for support for an initiative to help build up this little community . Any support would be much appreciated, especially a reblog;). Thanks in advance.


Photos via Pixabay

REGGAEJAHM_ logo copy.png

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