covid19 plandemic or scamdemic

Good evening everyone today im gonna talk about the most important topic of 2020 by far one of the most contreversial diseases of all time covid19 also know as coronavirus or sarcov2 FB_IMG_15884958719302331.jpg

it has been very aurprising to me as the whole world decided to shut down all small micro and macro and medium sized businesses across the globe saying that the virus is contagious and u can contract the virus from most small businesses but the large scale business where still in operation so the governments across the world are telling me that walmart costco target and many more large scale business are safe places to go where one cannot contract covid19 ha ha ha ha ha pretty amusing i guess just like this meme says covid 19 sure is a sneaky little bastard
Now the next thing that bothers me is how this big grown of a man named dr.anthony fauci comes up on the news lying and spreading false rumours and chaos and ruining millions of peoples lives now i know most people who read this are gonna contradict me so let me mention one big lie that dr. anthony fauci said on live news

  1. hydroxy chloroquine is not a safe drug to treat patients and its rather proven to have killed a lot of people now that the biggest lie why as i am part indian and come from a family that has doctors and i do watch indian news as well india was the highlight for using hydroxy chloroquine and proved that it helps treat covid patients ex they treated the italian tourist that were stranded in india because they had covid19 and where cured and sent home safely back to italy dont believe me go check out the news its available on youtube dr.fauci even said that there is no proof that it helps and its dangerous to use it

  2. what made this worse was 4 weeks later the same man comes on live news sitting in the office with president trump and few other saying that hydroxy chloroquine is a miracle drug wow strange that this man said it was dangerous few week ago now says it is a miracle drug the man dr.fauci even made president trump look like a fool on world news wow now last but not least what has been bothering me is Bill gates a man who is computer geek comes on news spreading false propoganda and lies because he wants to sell his vaccine wow what the f does a computer geek know about diseases bill gates mentioned in the past in 2011 that ge wants the world to depopulate now says if everyone in the world should get a vaccine if not we cant go back to our normal lives wow what the hell

  3. last but not least eveyone in the world knows that when we enter from winter to summer it is the height of flu season and very surprisingly this year nobody has flu everyone only got coronavirus wow in not a conspiracy theorist my when i see everything playing out right in from of my eyes i do have to believe that this bill gates and many more other people are manipulating the world and making a lot of people suffer for their personal greed last time i checked out the person who holds the patent to a vaccine made about 30 billion dollard in just one year so if bill gates holds the patent and wants to vaccinate the entire globe i cant imagine the amount of money that man would make in one year

according to my calculation he will make more money from this vaccination in one year than he has made his his entire life FB_IMG_15894869663688617.jpg

now i wonder who has been paying these hospitals
why did bill gates sell 45 billion dollars worth of his shares just before the market crash
why did fauci initially lie about the drug saying its dangerous then few weeks later comes back saying its a miracle drug
why are the news channels not bringing the real news to the people anymore
why was the whole world shut down for the first time ever ruining so many lives
why have the news channels across the globe become a lie factory spreading fear and cauaing chaos and suffering
why are they only showing the death rate and hardly showing recovery rates FB_IMG_15894478606611564.jpg

now imagine if we looked at the survival rate like this and stopped looking at the death rate do u think that the world would have had to go through so much sufferation
My conclusion us that yes covid birus does exist but it is not a deadly as these big news channels and people like dr.fauci and bill gates a making it look like
i have gotten vaccination over the years but this one eefing vacvination that nobody can tell me to take or force me to
thank you everyone for your attention hope you guys can do ur own research and find the truth out im here just talking about what i have see and witnessed so far

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