Blooming my Rebutia

Rebutia is a miniature cactus.
My Rebutia, which is pictured, grows in a 5.5 cm pot.
Of course, its roots filled the pot, but I will transplant it in the spring.

Rebuts give many babies and they bloom magnificently.

But despite their lush and beautiful flowering, not all
Rebutia species are popular in home breeding.

I do not know how this is explained, since for me all Rebuts have beautiful flowering.

Moreover, its cultivation does not cause much trouble.
She needs bright lighting, but without direct sunlight.

It should be kept in winter at a low temperature from + 10 ° C to + 12 ° C.

Watering the Rebutia is necessary only after the top layer has dried by 2-3 cm, since it does not tolerate waterlogged soil.

In winter, the cactus practically does not need watering.
And therefore, it will be enough to slightly moisten the soil every 30–40 days.

Previously, I did not follow these recommendations and therefore some of my Rebuts died.

I wish you not to make my mistakes when growing it!

The photos I were taken with a Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L tablet



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