Mass Indoctrination: Gathering of the Saints held on 24//01//2024

Greetings, lovely people of Magicares. Welcome to my blog once again. I am back with something new from the general Christian gathering known as MCGI CARES mass indoctrination. It's all about doing good. Being born-again Christians, we are automatically on the right path. This means we have automatically become instruments of good works. In one of my previous articles, we got to understand that Satan can prevent us from doing good always, but with the help of God, opportunities are being created to do good things or even the grace to still do good in times of hindrance from the devil is given to us.

The MCGI Cares stepped onto the street to do social experiments as usual. Let's take a look at the first question on the list.
What would you do if you caught your spouse cheating?

We went on to the street to find out what some respondents had to say about this. We had some interesting answers from all those who shared their thoughts and views. Some said they would just allow their spouse to go if they preferred to live with the other person. This is the answer most gave, though. Maybe it's because they were on camera that is why most have chosen to give such answers.
Catching a cheating partner won't be easy at all. I do not wish that for anyone, not even myself, because I don't know how I might end up becoming after this.
According to the true doctrine of Christ Jesus, anyone caught cheating should be expelled from the church.

This is because it is adultery before Christ Jesus. It is believed that we are men and we might sin one way or another, but the doctrine of the Lord must be observed in the household of faith. The Bible makes us understand that the two shall become one, and until death do them part. So if a spouse is caught in the act of cheating, it is a sin before God. The spouse can choose to forgive the other and take them back, but if the spouse doesn't, they can split up and go their way. Where is the problem? It Is when a spouse intentionally leaves the spouse to be with another. This is called adultery. Let's say a man causes a breakup and then leaves the wife in order to go and be with another woman. Then the man has committed adultery.(1 Corinthians 5:11-13)

This is the true doctrine of God and must be observed in the household of faith. This brings order and holiness to the body of Christ.

Another social experiment on doing good to others is what we aim to dive into next. The MCGI Care team stepped out onto the street to find out how people react to situations of hardship and the lending of helping hands to the less privileged.

It is good to do good, especially for the poor and needy. When we do for them, we have done unto God. For it is written in His word that I was hungry and you fed me not; I was naked and you did not clothe me; I was sick and you did not visit me. Just because you did not do for your brethren in need, you did not do to me. This are the sayings of Jesus Christ himself when He walked on this earth.

This means that when we do something for others, we have automatically done it for God. Especially when we do it for the poor and needy in society. These are the people God wants us to help the most, aside from the brethren in the household of faith. When we do for them, we have done for God like that, and the blessings that follow are numerous. It is our responsibility to care for anyone in need if it is within our means. It's not only the rich that are supposed to lend a helping hand; everyone can provide that helping hand. Just a little can make a very big difference in the life of a brother or sister. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean.
That is why I admire the MCG Cares Church very much. They are really doing well in the lives of others. Providing food and clothes, healthcare, and most importantly, feeding everyone with the true doctrine of Christ Jesus. This is the spiritual food we all need to survive. They are open through various social media platforms, like Zoom, YouTube, and others. I am glad to be a part of this family and hope to welcome anyone yet to decide into the family as well.

I hope to be a volunteer for McGI Cares some day. I hope many people are touched enough to join in the movement. Hope to see you again my subsequent post. Shalom, peace be on you.❤️

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