Everything that exists came into existence because of a Creator-God.


Hello brethren, greetings, and welcome to my blog once again. I believe we are blessed once again to be among the living. I tried learning something new from our own beloved brother Eli. This time around is on the topic of proving the existence of God, and we will be looking into Part 1 of this topic.

It is surprising to find out that there are still some people who do not believe in the existence of God. I hope if there is anyone out here like that. I pray that by the time you are done reading this content, you will have a change of mind. There is so much to prove that there is indeed a living God. Let's take a look at Romans 1:19–20, and I read:

Romans 1:19
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them.

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

From the above scripture verses, we can clearly see the Bible telling us that the invisible things in Him are shown in the visible things that were made by Him. This also includes His eternal powers and Godhead. They are clear evidence, and for that reason, there is no excuse to believe in the existence of God. So whatever He created shows His power and existence. The creation of everything we have seen is clear evidence of God's existence. This also means that all the things that exist were created by someone, and they could not have just come into being by themselves.

Yet some people especially scientist believe that all that exist in the world came into being by themselves. Scientist believe that the world started being as a result of a theory called the Big Bang.
This theory according to scientist was where the world started from. Lets take a look at what this big bang theory is;
The Big Bang Theory,

The Big Bang Theory has been accepted by a majority of scientists today.
It theorizes that a large quantity of nothing decided to pack tightly together, - and then explode outward into hydrogen and helium.
This gas is said to have flowed outward through frictionless space ("frictionless," so the outflowing gas cannot stop or slow down) to eventually form stars, galaxies, planets, and moons.

This theory does not really make much sense if we should carefully analysis it. The Big Bang theory savs there was an explosion of a large quantity of nothing in in empty space. Looking at this statement, there is no way something can just be found from nothing if there was no intervention from someone.

This seems very unreasonable looking at the statement or phrase larger among or quantity of nothing. How can something be large and at the same time be nothing?

How can there be zero and then all of a sudden it turns into one (1)? That is imposible, that can only be possible when there is a supernatural thing or someone to create or cause soemthing to come into existence

Carefully examining this statement shows that there is no way this can be possible. In fact, it does not make sense.
Something can only come into existence and function very well to maintain a certain order and balance when it is very well designed, planned, and executed by someone. This person becomes a creator.

A creator because he has managed to execute a certain task to bring something into being or existence.
This shows that the world did not just come into being because there was a mastermind in the person of God.

Everything that exists came into existence because of a Creator. This is where I bring to an end part one of this post.

Stay safe brethren, Shalom.

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