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Reincarnation — is it biblical? (Part 1 of 3) | The Old Path | MCGI

Hello everyone, I am delighted to write and share with you all this write-up which is drafted from a video I was sent to watch and learn from. I hope that you will learn something from it. The topic for today is "Reincarnation — is it biblical? (Part 1 of 3) | The Old Path | MCGI".

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At the beginning of the video, Brother Eli stated "It is not possible if you believe in the Bible to be reincarnated." In so many instances and ways, the Bible has been proven to be the word of God and not anyone else. The Bible is a book that is written through the guidance of God and through some inspirations as well.

The word reincarnation cannot even be found anywhere in the new testament. As a prove, the internet can be used to search for the word reincarnation, and when that was done, there was no result for that. It is not possible if you believe in the Bible to be reincarnated.

From the book of Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment". This verse teaches that the word reincarnation does not or cannot be existed in the Bible. If a man is going to die once, then I think there would be no reincarnation of any sort.

This shows we are given one chance to live and also one chance to die, and as a matter of that, there can not be reincarnation. Believing in reincarnation means you are going to die a hundred times or more.

I would stop here as the video also ends but there would be a part 2 which I would be writing in my next post.

Thank you all for your time and attention. See you all another time in my subsequent post.

Below is the link to the video used in writing this article.

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