Is religion needed for salvation?

Hello everyone, I am delighted to write and share with you all this write-up which is drafted from a video I was sent to watch and learn from. I hope that you will learn something from it. The topic for today is "Is religion needed for salvation"?

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From the beggining of the video, Brother Eli stated "why did Jesus Christ teach religion if we do not need religion?". Looking at the definition of religion we found out that; Biblically Religion was originated written in Greek and the word was "Threskeia". The word "Threskeia" means ceremonial observance, religion, or worshipping.

This indicates that religion is synonymous to worship and worship is synonymous is religion. Religion is the worship of God. And if one says that he does not believe in religion then that person has in one way, or the other disbelieve in the worship of God.

Religion again in Latin is "religare" which means to bind again as "re" means again and "ligare" means to bind". Even in English re means again as we know it to be. We need religion because people went astray and God said in the book of Malachi 3:7 "Even from the days of your father ye are gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said wherein shall we return."

This teaches us that we have made Satan takes over our lives, where we commit sins here and there and have abandoned the worship and obedience of God. We need to enter into the churches and learn religion and we must also teach religion in places where religion isn't taught.

Saying one does not need religion is just like slapping Jesus Christ in the face whilst he is alive. This indicates that if we abandon the church then we have abandoned the teaches of Jesus Christ. We should be aware that charity and sanctification are part of religion, and we should hold tight unto them.

This is recorded in the book of James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God, and the father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their afflictions, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

This teaches that we must not be entangled by the lust of this world, the vices and wrong doings of this world. This indicates that charity and sanctification are the two components of religion which we must hold tightly to believe in the true religion.

Thank you all for your time and attention. See you all another time in my subsequent post.

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