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Mass Indoctrination day 3 (English) 12/01/2022

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There’s only one church which is the church of God which was established through our Lord Jesus Christ who's God and the word from the morning of creation.

The members of the first church was called out just like Paul. Galatians 1:13 addresses about how Paul was called out from Judaism to the church of God.

He came an backer in the church of God. There's one body and the spirit indeed has called us. Ephesians 4:4 The only church written in the bible is the church of God. It was also mentioned in Isaiah that anything called by God’s name is created by him. How can a church be called Jehovah’s witnesses,Lutheran church,ChurchofChrist. Members of these churches weren't there when Jesus was on earth.

1 COR 15:1-2 Then I understand according to family Eli it isn't by the caregiving of our hands that makes someone a Christians but by accepting Christ and adhering the philosophy of Christ. We must be doers of the word the and we must serve God in purity and in spirit because our God is spirit and Him alone shall we find purity and absolute peace. Galatians 3:16 Then the Bible said let the word of Christ dwell in us and by all wisdom tutoring and admonishing one another in spirituals and hymns and spiritual songs, that we should sing with grace in our hearts to the Lord. May God help us to understand and observe his word and also sing songs of praise to his name. I'm glad that he made us aware that in everything we will learn, the Bible should be our standard for learning. Studying the Bible and pointing out false doctrines can rightly be done by comparing it with comparing what the Bible says. Ecclessiatics 7:27

In 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, We are told to prove all things, abstain from evil and cleave to what is good. Romans 12:9 says the same and so it is our duty as Christians to find out what is true using the word of God as a standard.

We will always turn to God throughout our life, especially in times of need or hardship, and one way of doing so is through prayer. Praying is a mandate from Christ, thus it's critical that we follow it and do it the right way.

Relevant points I learned from God's word discussed in the Zoom meeting was that:

We Should Avoid Vain Repetition in Prayer In Matthew 6:6-8 Jesus told the early disciples to avoid praying using vain repetition like those who pray in the name of Mary using the rosary or prayer beads and the Apostle's creed. Praying with rosary is not according to the Bible, we understood. Christ would have thought about anything like the rosary in connection to prayer while he was on earth. We should avoid repetition because before we pray the father already know about what we are about to ask. Isaiah 65:24 tells us that even before we call God, He will answer and even before we say anything he will hear and so there is not need repeating our words for God is not deaf nor dumb. It is only the heathen who practice that in prayer which is a wrong way of praying. God can hear us when we pray and that is why Christ said we should not repeat our words when we pray in Mathew 6:8. Our words in prayer should therefore be few whenever we pray, Ecclesiastics 5:2 talked about speaking few words in prayer.

We should Avoid hypocrisy praying : Again praying to show off is praying amiss. This is a wrong way of praying. it is clear from Matthew 6:5-6 that prayer should be done in private. It is a private communication between you and God. Many who pray openly is prohibited by God. Again praying in good posture should be practiced in prayer. We should kneel down when praying but if we cannot we should not be like the hypocrites praying standing to be seen. In Matthew 26:39 when the Lord prayed in the Garden, he knelt down or fell on his face in a horizontal position and prayed. In Acts 20:36, the early Christians when praying knelt down. We are free to pray standing but praying by kneeling or bowing down is a more preferred way of showing respect to God.

Men should not Covering their head when praying because Christ is the head of man and women should Cover their head when praying because man is the head of the family as Christ is the head of man and and God is the head of Christ. Covering is also another issue that many practice in many nations of the world are are ignorant of what they Bible says concerning the practice. A man praying according to the Bible (1 Corinthians 11:4) should not cover his head. Woman who have no covering on their head dishonours God. God is not pleased if you are praying this way. 1 Corinthians 11:3 teaches more why we the scripture commanded us concerning head covering. The head of the man is christ and the head of the woman is the man. The symbol of a woman head is a respect to the man.

My Old belief That was impacted after the zoom meeting on Mass Indoctrination was that : Personally, I knew that prayer can be done in any kind of posture but after listening to the studies I realised that the accepteble way of praying is entering your private place and praying to God by kneeling down in a horizontal position.

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