My lessons from mass indoctrination Day 8. on 20/7/22


Calvary greetings to everyone. Trust we are all doing great? Am Brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post yo share my lesson from the mass indoctrination Day 8. This post is done on the 22/7/22. Trusting God to speak to us through His word through the post.

According to Matthew 5:16, we should let our light so shine before men. men should see our good works and glorify our father which is in heaven. There's benefit when we are righteousness. According to Proverbs 11:30,if we are righteous, we would be able to persuade souls to God. God is happy if we are able to win souls.


We also learnt in James 5:19 that it's a good thing to save those that err or still living in sin;we would be saving a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sin. A soul is important to God even if it's just one. In Luke 15:7,we saw there that God and the entire hosts of heaven, the angels, 24 elders, the four beasts would be delighted if a soul repents.
God is happy if we do holiness, keep His commandments, practice His doctrine, etc -Psalms16:3, but God is happier if a sinner is converted.


We can win our fellow men to God through our good works and would be very pleased with us. it's easier to please the poor compared to the rich. our obligation is to win men to God and we can do this through our good works towards them.

In 1 Timothy 3:1-2,we learnt that a bishop must be blameless and husband of one wife only. according to Ecclesiates 7:27,we should compare one thing to another to find out the truth. Some do marry multitude wives and do preach it,which is false doctrine. False teachers entice their members with ungodly promises,jobs etc for they are ministers of the devil preparing souls for destruction in hell-Matthew 23:15.

God himself would multiply his people through the good relationship of good works we demonstrate to our fellow men. Jeremiah 30:18-19. God promised His name to be great from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same-Malachi 1:11,Zach 8:7,Isa 24:15. The Philippines is in the East. MCGI is located in the East and extended to the west. The multiplication is a prophesy of God. Those multiplication is as a result of those seeing the good works of the Church and then changing from their evil ways and joining the church. God has given us the obligation to do good to all men because God wants to use us as instrument of righteousness to bear fruit.


The establishment of His people and multiplying of His people are partof the prophesy of the latter days. when we bear good fruits,we shall multiply through our good works we shall show forth. Luke 14:28-30,if we start a good thing,it is on us to finish it, so lets not stop in showing forth the good works of righteousness, for we shall reap the reward of we faint not.

By our good conduct towards men,even if they are evil,they would glorify God in the day of visitation-1Peter 2:12. When those that doesn't believe in God see our good work,then they would want to join us same day. Our good works can attract men to God. Our behave should serve as light to men-Matthew 5:14.

We also learnt in 1Corinthians5:11-13 that those that are living a fornicating life and doesn't want to change shouldn't be allowed to be part of the members of the church. They should be expelled since they want to continue in the act of fornication. If they are allowed to continue in the midst of the brethrens,they would corrupt the good ones just as we have rotten tomato in the midst of good tomatoes. The rotten 🍅 would soil the good ones.

The church shouldn't tolerate anyone doing evil. if they fail to repent, they should be expelled irrespective of who is involved, be it a minister or cardinal or any other in authority in the Church. God promised to require stewardship from those overseeing the flock.-Ezekiel 34:10. God is certainly angry with false preachers and they would not go unpunished-Ezekiel 34:2.

If we find ourselves in the congregation of these false teachers, then we should pray to God to take us out of their hands and God would surely intervene for us- Eze34:2.

God wants us to yield ourselves as instrument of righteousness unto good works,that men would be drawn to Him through our good works.

Thanks and remain bless

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