Mass indoctrination day 11 held on zoom on 31/07/2023

My lessons from the teachings of brother Eli are written below.

I learnt that everything most churches are just doing the what is called precepts upon precepts and order upon order and that most churches are now full of vomits and it was referred to as a table that is full of vomits.
I learnt that the table symbolizes the church in the Bible.
I also learnt that most people would do an evil thing over and over again and they wont repent and such people are referred to as dogs who continuously go back to their own vomits.
I learnt that we can’t be partakers of the LORD’s table and that of the devil and also we cannot drink of the LORD’s cup and that of the table.
I learnt that in the true church there are some certain things GOD wont dictate to us to do but in our own accord. We have been taught to do more than the commandments of GOD in the church solong as it is of the betterment of the church but this particularly has to do with willingness.
In the true church the children of GOD are being led by the spirit of GOD.
I learnt that we should use our common sense to do somethings in the house of GOD within our disposition,we don’t need to be told some times before we some certain things in the church .
I learnt that if we are willing and obedient,we will eat the big fruits of the land.

I learnt that the things we are to do at our own disposal or accord is making a vow in the church but it should be fulfilled .
A man must fulfill every bit of the vow he made willingly,he must not break his word because it is better not to vow than to vow and not fulfill it
I learnt that a vow is not imposed,a vow should not be imposed or forced.
I learnt that GOD dint not prohibit us from marrying but it we so decide not to marry it is not a sin but ite a choice either to marry or not.
I learnt that when it comes to making a vow..we are the ones putting the obligation on ourselves and we must fulfill it.
I learnt that even the apostles of CHRIST also made vows and they kept up to their promises.
We must stay true to our vow’s because it is a sin to vow and then dont keep up to the vow,it is the obligation we put on ourselves and as a result we must fulfill the vow that we made because GOD has no business or pleasure in fools.
I learnt that a fool is referred to as a person who made a vow and refused to fulfill it.
I learnt that in giving of offerings and contributions,it is according to what one purposes in his heart and it should not be done grudgingly or of necessity because GOD loves a cheerful giver.
No body in the church should impose any specific amount to give as offerings or contributions on us because its not done that way.
We should not put it in mind that we joining the church is to earn money,we should not depend on the money that comes into the church even though money is a crucial thing in preaching and futhering the things of GOD but that is solely for the church and not the preacher!
There should not be any price attached to anything in the church,offerings or contributions should not be fixed and it should be according to what one purposes in his heart.

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