I really ally enjoyed today teachings.
In reference of the following bible verses
I Peter 4:3
Isaiah 44:13
Psalm 115:4
Acts 25-19-28
Very interesting topic today about idol
What's is an idol?
This is a man made status,they have mouth but they soeaketh not ,they have ear but they hear not,they have hand but the handle not.
This is to tell us that worshiping of idols is not good ,is against the commandments of God.
"They that make them are unlike to them"
Idols are silver and Gold that are make of man's hand,these are status made by Man.
According to Payson
It is written in the bible that we should kneel only before God almighty and worship night and day.
If you kneel down before any other thing you are making it your god and it is abominable by God to kneel before idol
Necessary thing's thant can be laid by a brother
Abstain from things offered to idols
Abstain from fornication
All creatures of God are very good so don't condemn any one.

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