Living Consciously - Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question Of The Week

Living consciously?

I’m sure, that we all have our own ideas about what living consciously actually means. To me, it’s all about being fully aware of the choices that we make in life and how those choices effect the earth and all beings that live upon her. Once we are aware, we then make conscious decisions. choosing how we live on this planet and taking full responsibility for our actions and our well being.


Which means being aware of our connection to the earth and understanding that we are a part of nature, that it is not something we are separate from. We understand, that what we do to the earth, we also do onto ourselves. We can all be conscious of our life choices, but we are not living consciously unless we really understand the interconnectedness of all things. Living an authentic life and making decisions that benefit everyone.

Conscious living stretch’s to all aspects of our lives, what we eat, how we care for ourselves, how we care for our children. How we choose to interact with others and with the world. It is about connecting with our heart energy and accepting who we are. The many sides of ourselves.

Do I live consciously?

I like to think that I do, it is certainly what I am striving for.


I am very aware of what I put into and on to my body. Being a vegan, I never eat or use any products, that are created from the suffering of others. I choose to feed my body food, that is full of vitality and I listen to it when It communicates with me. I choose to use only natural medicine for myself and my children. Medicine, which promotes our bodies own healing.

I have been living an minimalist and off grid life, for over 10 years now.

I try my best to have as little an impact on the earth as I can. I spend the money I earn and food and source much of what I need second hand or through bartering or trade. I am very aware of the resources I use and I have, a huge amount of respect for the land on which I live and grow my food on.

Conscious parenting is a huge part of my life, it is being fully aware and in-check with both my children’s and my own emotions and expectations.

It’s taking the time to breathe before I react and responding with love and understanding. It is about cultivating the environment that my children need in order to develop and thrive, spiritually, physically and mentally! It is being fully present for them!

I am trying very hard to be more conscious about the way in which I think and react.


I am fully aware that we are creators, that our thoughts create our reality and I usually am quite good at the way in which I think things through. I am genuinely a very positive person and trust that things will workout as they should.

I do however, still struggle sometimes with how I react to certain things or people. I am aware, that they trigger me for various different reasons and I am trying to bring these patterns. I am also trying, to keep my ego in check.

As we approach the Equinox, I am aware that this is a time of balance, of recoiling the many different sides of ourselves. It is also a wonderful time of thanksgiving, a time to open our hearts to the flow of abundance.

By connecting with the natural world and allowing nature to help guide me in my life journey, I am more aware of how the seasons affect me and the many teachings, that are to be found within the natural world. I live a life that is in-sync with nature and that is perhaps one of the best examples of living consciously.





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