Vegetable Garden Update.

Hi Hivers!!!

It is time for my next garden update! The mulberries are swelling and turning red. Starting to weigh down the branches.



Here come the pole beans I sowed a few days ago!


The leeks are popping too. This is the second sowing now.

Here come the peas! These are one of my favourites as I use a lot of early pea shoots in salads as well as growing lots full term


I sowed radish between the carrots and new spring onions. They are such a quick crop it is a perfect spot for them.


These big beautiful lettuce make good looking gifts for friends. They are perfect for picking leaves as you need them which is my usual approach but I will pull a full head to give away. I can only eat so much and they are so prolific I always have spare ones.


These seeds are a mystery vegetable. I found a pack of seeds with no details of what they were so I sprinkled them in here and am waiting to see what comes up. Maybe spinach? What do you think they are? Basil would be exciting.
Spinach would be useful as the last crop is coming to an end and just about to flower.


Here are the spinach flowers from the last crop. I have eaten loads of this one for the last week, so delicious! I absolutely love it!


The earlier sown leeks are getting fatter! I really love leeks and fid so many ways to use them.


Spring onions now being harvested regularly - I cut off carefully at ground level and they regrow another top! A very giving plant!


I make sure to interplant beds with a few nasturtiums so butterflies lay eggs on their leaves and not my veggies. Such a great way to protect your leafy greens.


Young tomatoes just starting to take off.


Well thats about it for today. I am still awaiting celery , sweet peppers, courgettes and more tomatoes and green beans to sprout from seeds sown five days ago.

Every day is exciting and fun in the garden at this time of year. I need to prepare 3 more Hugel Kultur beds ( no small task LOL ) for the coming bean crops etc. I am balancing aching bones with a sense of achievement! hahaha

The rain is too hard for that sort of work today though.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay Wild xxx

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