Happy Weekend Hivers!!!
Here are some lush photos from my garden for you. An update. Fruits , nuts, herbs, greens and roots all doing so nicely. I am grateful for my healthy plants and pour all my love into growing them.
I love the receding flowers on these emerging nuts. They almost look like feathers.
These tomatoes are so sweet and tasty I can't get enough of them. I snack on them like candy!
I use a lot of parsley, it is so good for us and has such diverse uses.
Spinach is wonderful added to my salads. I prefer to eat raw as much as possible although it is also delicious cooked.
Carrots are coming on nicely.
Just transplanted these two types of onions, there are carrots just popping on either side of them and lettuce with beetroot seeding in between them.
Artichokes are coming on fast again.
I have garlic planted all around the edge of my carrot and spinach bed. They are looking so healthy!
I have pots of fresh mint spread around the garden to act as a pest deterant and because I use a LOT of mint in teas and dressings.One could never have too much! Pots of mint also make great gifts of course.
These mulberries are just starting to emerge from the flowers.
Lettuce are growing faster than I can eat them ... almost haha
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are also enjoying your gardens this weekend.