The withdrawal of a dead end game #1 - Seeking abundance in a new society #First indications☯️

Hi everyone!

As previously mentioned on my blog I want to point out my own personal reasons why I am currently leaving my homecountry Germany to live on the Balkan.

In the following I want to show you guys what encouraged me in the last months to make that decision and maybe give some of you inspiration that are in a pretty similiar situation just like me...

I want to clarify that this is just my personal point of view and perception of what is going on. I think many people can still make it in Germany with decent sustainibility towards their own life approaches, atleast for some years. No doubt!

However in my case I probably had to sacrifice my own mental health if I would have stayed for more years...

Terence Mckenna alienation.png


The dilemma:

I am not certain when exactly my first intentions started to arise, but I am sure they showed up on the surface somewhere when I came back from my Hungarian Ozora Psy-trance festival trip, that felt like a spiritual rollercoaster and as a result grounded by the transcendental experiences I had, I kinda re-specified myself as a human being. The issue I am pointing at is that, when you have learned to channel inner abundance and happiness just through something "primitive" like a dance with other people, being in public or spending time with people that you barely know or don't know, provides weird and unnatural energetic situations, in which I more and more got increasingly uncomfortable.

Roughly speaking I felt like that my own culture began to suppress me as an individual in a sense of convincing me to stick to a kind of behaviour or way of life that I didn't resonate with. Maybe it's been like this for a longer time maybe not, but this thought was getting more and more present in my consciousness everyday.

After some research I was absolutely convinced that there is a HUGE war on cosciousness going on especially in the West in many ways...

Honestly speaking I think it is a huge problem that still so many even highly intelligent people are actually defending the public-narrative with such enthusiasm and conviction that it can be really frustrating sometimes.
It feels like if someone has laid down a dogmatic neurotic way of thinking on the people and even somehow many of the smartest can't really recognize it in any case...

Now then, when we break Germany (The West) down to the core, which characteristics are common for this country? Well certainly I would say that undoubtly trusting the authority is a big problem here. Even if the authorities abused the faith of the nation a hundred times or even a thousand times, people will still rely on the governmental agenda and considering the narrative that is being transferred by the government as absolute "truth". In addition people are willed to hand over their responsibility for themselves on to institutions that are disposed to maximize the control over other people.
But why would someone actually do such a thing? Why would someone voluntarily handcuff himself? I think the answer is materialized and organized comfort. And unfortunately because of that exchange people are forgetting it anyway. Additionally this way of thinking has been passed on throughout the generations... That's why my own younger generation is just doing it's best to behave in the way the older ones told them to do so.

When I was in the end of high school I have always been told, that they are trying to educate us in a way that we are able to take responsibility for ourselves in many aspects of our life. Maturity was considered as "high virtue", but is getting a degree working 9-5 and going to an election every 4 years really the holy grail in this issue?
When we are speaking in terms of maturity already in school when people are still so young, why are so many day by day disempowering themselves via Netflix, porn or roughly speaking by the basic lower-nature related entertainment industry?


In a nutshell: People are sacrificing their own potential of growth and their own will of meaningful development for entertainment, because it appears as the easiest way out. I would not consider this as a society with a good level of mental-health-awareness or even with a good sense of independence or responsibility not to mention maturity.

This hypocrisy appears rather emotionally obvious to me nowadays. However after some time I finished high school this mental suppression from society was getting more present and I pulled myself back and appreciated more and more the time that I spend alone or with my closest friends.

The Psy-Trance floor has proven itself to be a very convenient outlet for me. I obtained pure mental liberation during the gatherings and it gave me the energy to continue in my life with less effort. Letting go became a much more easier process through that music. It felt like a spiritual detox for Body, Mind and Soul. Pure natural medicine.

Even though I had my personal outlets to handle this kind of struggle, I knew that this was just a temporal solution for the problem. Moving out of Germany would be the best longterm decision....

This was the first part of the series <3 Stay tuned for the next parts :)


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